Search results

(2,861 - 2,880 of 3,848)


Improving Electrical Efficiency With Building Information Modelling (Semester Unknown) IPRO 338: ImprovingElectricalEfficiencyWithBuildingInformationModelingIPRO338PosterF09
Zoo Tech (Semester Unknown) IPRO 318: ZooTechIPRO318FinalPresentationSu10
Education and Technical Support of Prosthetics and Orthotics Education in Latin America (Semester Unknown) IPRO 309: Educational and Technical Support of Orthotics and Prosthetics Education in Latin America and the US IPRO 309 Final Presentation Sp08
Integration of Process Improvements (Semester Unknown) IPRO 304: IntegrationOfProcessImprovementsIPRO304FinalReportF09
Power Measurement for Performance Bicycles (Semester Unknown) IPRO 304: PowerMeasurementForPerformanceBicyclesIPRO324FinalReportF10
Church & School Energy Efficiency and Financing Program (sequence unknown), IPRO 328 - Deliverables: IPRO 328 Poster F09
Building a Working Replica of Kolff's Rotating Drum (Spring 2004), IPRO 314: Kolff Rotating Drum Artificial Kidney IPRO 314 IPRO Day Presentation Sp06
Innovative Mapping (Semester Unknown) IPRO 303: InnovativeMappingIPRO303MidTermPresentationF09
Pervasive Training (Semester Unknown) IPRO 317
Urban Heat Island Effect (Spring 2002) IPRO 328: Urban Heat Island Effect IPRO328 Spring2002 Final Presentation
Electrical Contractor Business Development with Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Green Technologies (Semester Unknown) IPRO 338: BIMIPRO338FinalReportSp11
Robbins Community Power (RCP) (Semester Unknown) IPRO 347: RCPIPRO347FinalReportF10
Web-Based Supervisor, Management and Leadership Training (semester?), IPRO 306: Web-Based Supervisor Mgmt and Leadership Training IPRO 306 Abstract F07
Create a Science Fair Archive for Chicago Public High School Students (semester?), IPRO 330: CPS Science Fair Project Bank IPRO 330 Final Report Sp07
ZERO ENERGY LAB (Semester Unknown) IPRO 337: ZeroEnergyLabIPRO337Brochure2Sp09
Social Network Analysis for Pace Suburban Bus Stakeholders (semester?), IPRO 321: Pace Project IPRO 321 IPRO Day Presentation Sp05
Finding Uses for Alternative Fuels in Intermodal Transportation Hubs (sequence unknown), IPRO 307 - Deliverables: IPRO 307 Brochure F09
HawkTour (semester?), IPRO 305: HawkTour IPRO 305 IPRO Day Presentation Sp05
Research Web (Semester Unknown) IPRO 321: ResearchWebIPRO321FinalReportSp10
Impact of Emerging Internet Trends on the Media Space (Semester Unknown) IPRO 305: Impact of Emerging Internet Trends on the IPRO 305 Poster1 F08
