Search results

(281 - 300 of 3,725)


infoMOTO - Information Tools to Enhance the Performance and Experience of Motorcyclists, Summer 2011, IPRO 308: Midterm_Final version
Digital Word of Mouth (semester?), IPRO 304: Rural Health Design Solutions IPRO 304 Project Plan Sp07
Insight:  Anticipating the Future, Assessing the Impact (semester?), IPRO 341: Insight IPRO 341 Final Report Sp06
Crisis Management and Security Assessment Program (semester?), IPRO 370: Crisis Management and Security Assessment Program IPRO 370 Poster S07
IPRO Knowledge Management System (Semester 1 of Unknown) IPRO 339: IPRO Knowledge Management System IPRO 339 Abstract S04
New Applications for Virtual Reality Training (semester?), IPRO 316: New Applications for Virtual Reality Training IPRO 316 Project Plan F07
IIT Robotics Initiative (Semester 1 of Unknown), IPRO 316: IIT Robotics Initiative IPRO 316 Project Plan Sp04
Exercise technology for Disabled People (Spring 2001) IPRO 312
REDEVELOPEMENT OF THE MICHAEL REESE SINGER PAVILION (Semester Unknown) IPRO 359: RedevelopmentOfTheMichaelReeseSingerPavilionIPRO359FinalReportF10
Comarch Pocket XL (semester?), IPRO 349F: Pocket XL IPRO 349 2.2 Project Plan S07
An Affordable Microcontroller for Students (semester?), IPRO 353
Low-Cost Water Purification System Design & analysis for Applications in Mexico and the US (semester?), IPRO 355: KlarAqua IPRO 355 Brochure Sp06
Intermodal Container Transport (Semester Unknown) IPRO 307: Intermodal Container Transport IPRO 307 Brochure2 F08
Conceptual Design and Planning for the Environment of Chicago Area Health Clinics by Access Community Health  (Semester Unknown) IPRO 340
Global Warming and Community Outreach (Semester Unknown) IPRO 331: GlobalWarmingandCommunityOutreachIPRO331FinalReportSp10
Orthotics and Prosthetics in Latin America (Semester Unknown): OrthoticsAndProstheticsInLatinAmericaIPRO309MidTermPresentationF09
Alumni Memorial Hall Renovation (Semester Unkown) IPRO 335: Alumni Memorial Hall Renovation IPRO 335 Poster Sp08
Application of Solar Thermal Heating Technologies in Large Scale Buildings in the Urban Environment (semester?), IPRO 328: Solar Thermal Tech for Large Bldgs IPRO 328 Midterm Report F04
