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(1 - 20 of 72)


Doing physics : a festschrift for Thomas Erber
Using Peer Navigators to Address the Integrated Healthcare Needs of African Americans with Serious Mental Illness
Three agendas for changing the public stigma of mental illness.
Systems and Systematic Design: Tracing the Evolution of Design Methodology at the Institute of Design, 1965-2010: Video documentation
Transdiagnostic Emotional Vulnerabilities Linking Obsessive-Compulsive and Depressive Symptoms in a Community-Based Sample of Adolescents
Conflict of Interest: What's to Worry?
Machine Learning at the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Examining Partnership-Health Associations Among Lesbian Women and Gay Men Using Population-Level Data
Professionalism Among Chinese Engineers: An Empirical Study
Binary hidden Markov models and varieties
On Polyhedral Approximations of Polytopes for Learning Bayesian Networks
Learning Coefficient in Bayesian Estimation of Restricted Boltzmann Machine
Phylogenetic invariants for group-based models
Properties of semi-elementary imsets as sums of elementary imsets
Higher Connectivity of Fiber Graphs of Gröbner Bases
An Iterative Method Converging to a Positive Solution of Certain Systems of Polynomial Equations
Geometry of Higher-Order Markov Chains
Betti Numbers of Cut Ideals of Trees
