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Reflections on the History of Engineering in the United States : A Preface to Engineering Ethics
Davis Discussant Remarks - APPE 2010
Five Kinds of Ethics Across the Curriculum : An Introduction to Four Experiments with One Kind
Getting an Ethics Charge Out of Current Events : Some Doubts About  Katrina
What Engineering Societies Can Do About Ethics
Conflict of Interest: What's to Worry?
Why Teaching Workplace Ethics Is Not As Hard As You Thought
Technology, Values, and Ethics : A Framework
The Moral Legislature
Conflict of Interest : What's to Worry?
Culture, Social Psychology, and Business Ethics
Four Kinds of Workplace Ethics for Discussion
Methodological Missteps: A Response to Brooks' "On Retribution"
Ethics After the Crash
General Contractors : Some Ethical Problems
'Ain't No One Here But Us Social Forces' : Constructing the Social Responsibility of Engineers.
A Case of "Gray Plagiarism" from the History of the History of Computing
Do the Professional Ethics of Chemists and Engineers Differ ?
IIT's Workshops for Integrating Ethics into Technical Courses : Some Lessons Learned
Replacement as a Problem for Justification of Preventative Detention
