Fiber graphs of Gröbner bases from contingency tables are important in statistical hypothesis testing, where one studies random walks on these... Show moreFiber graphs of Gröbner bases from contingency tables are important in statistical hypothesis testing, where one studies random walks on these graphs using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. The connectivity of the graphs has implications on how fast the algorithm converges. In this paper, we study a class of ber graphs with elementary combinatorial techniques and provide results that support a recent conjecture of Engström: the connectivity is given by the minimum vertex degree. Show less
Cut ideals, introduced by Sturmfels and Sullivant, are used in phylogenetics and algebraic statistics. We study the minimal free resolutions... Show moreCut ideals, introduced by Sturmfels and Sullivant, are used in phylogenetics and algebraic statistics. We study the minimal free resolutions of cut ideals of tree graphs. By employing basic methods from topological combinatorics, we obtain upper bounds for the Betti numbers of this type of ideals. These take the form of simple formulas on the number of vertices, which arise from the enumeration of induced subgraphs of certain incomparability graphs associated to the edge sets of trees. Show less