Search results

(2,581 - 2,600 of 3,848)


alcometer: AlcometreEnPRO351FinalReportF09
Create a Science Fair Archive for Chicago Public High School Students (semester?), IPRO 330: CPS Science Fair Project Bank IPRO 330 Project Plan Sp07
The Pilgrim project: IIT and the Stroll (Fall 2003) IPRO 332: The Pilgrim Project- IIT and the Stroll IPRO332 Fall2003 Final Presentation
Solar-electric Hybrid Rickshaw for India (semester?), IPRO 351: Edited_IPRO_351_Project_Plan
Improving Efficiency Through Advanced Technology for Electrical Construction (sequence unknown), IPRO 338 - Project Plan: IPRO 338 Project Plan F09
Intermodal Container Facility Innovations for the Chicago Area with focus on Kankakee (Semester Unknown) IPRO 307): IntermodalContainerFacilityIPRO307BrochureSp11
Robbins Community Power (RCP) (Semester Unknown) IPRO 347
PB Our Space- A Parsons Brinckerhoff Project (Summer 2011) IPRO 320
Tsunami Relief (semester?), IPRO 308: Tsunami Relief IPRO 308 IPRO Day Presentation Sp05
Teacher Knowledge Share (Semester Unknown) IPRO 320: Teacher Knowledge Share IPRO 320 Abstract F08
Automated Shipping Container Transfer in Chicago (Semester 1 of Unknown), IPRO 307
The Universal Car Project (Summer 2011) IPRO 348: The Universal Car Project IPRO348 Summer2011 Poster
Our Energy Future (Semester Unknown) IPRO 332: Multimedia Ed Mods IPRO 332 Midterm Presentation Sp07
Integrating the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website with the IIT Intranet Mediator (semester?), IPRO 311
The IPRO Knowledge Management System Improving the Effectiveness of IPRO Teams (semester?), IPRO 338: IPRO Knowledge Management System IPRO 338 Project Plan F04
Project Management Strategies and Technology Efficiency for Electrical Contractors' Construction Projects (Semester Unknown) IPRO 338: BIMIPRO338Poster1Sp10
Ramovation: INSPIRING BRIDGEPORT (Semester Unknown) IPRO 364: RamovationIPRO364ProjectPlanSp11
Education and Technical Support of Prosthetics and Orthotics Education in Latin America (Semester Unknown) IPRO 309: Educational and Technical Support of Orthotics and Prosthetics Education in Latin America and the US IPRO 309 Final ReportSp08
Our Energy Future: Lessons in Sustainability AND IPRO Teams for K-12: The Education Outreach Service Learning Cluster (sequence unknown), IPRO 332 - Deliverables: IPRO%20332%20Final%20Report%20F09_redacted
