Search results

(2,801 - 2,820 of 3,603)


Smart Specs for Civilian Military Applications (Semester Unknown) EnPRO 350: SmartSpecsForCivilianandMilitaryApplicationsEnPRO350FinalReportF09
Innovative Maping (Semester Unknown) IPRO 303: InnovativeMapingIPRO303MidTermPresentationSp10
Integration Of Process Improvements (Spring 2011) IPRO 304: IntegrationOfProcessImprovementsIPRO304FinalPresentationSp11
Edutainment (semester 1 of Unknown), IPRO 329
Crop to Cup Coffee: Building Communities through Coffee (Semester 2) IPRO 333: BuildingComunitiesThroughCoffeeIPRO333FinalPresentationF10
Comarch Customer Feedback Management System (semester?), IPRO 349A
Logistics Outsourcing Tool (semester?), IPRO 319: Logistics Outsourcing Tool IPRO 319 Final Report F06
Zero Energy Lab (Semester Unknown) IPRO 337: ZeroEnergyLabandDesigningTheIPROTeamCollaboratorySpaceIPRO337PostersF09
In-Situ Characterization of Zeolite Synthesis Process (Spring 2003) IPRO 302: In-Situ Characterization of Zeolite Synthesis Process IPRO302 Spring2003 Final Presentation
Advancing Robotics Experience (semester?), IPRO 316: IIT Robotics Initiative IPRO 316 Poster 2 Sp05
Green Building (Semester Unknown) IPRO 335: GreenArtStudioIPRO335Poster3Sp09
Solid Fuel from Biomass for Cogeneration (Semester Unknown) IPRO 349: SolidFuelFromBiomassForCogenerationIPRO349Poster1Sp09
Orthotics and Prosthetics in Latin America (Semester Unknown): OrthoticsAndProstheticsInLatinAmericaIPRO309Brochure1F09
Continiuous improvements of the Global Supply Chain for a Plumbing Systems Manufacturer (Semester Unknown) IPRO 306: ContinuousImprovementsOfTheGlobalSupplyChainForAPlumbingSystemsManufacturerIPRO306FinalReportSp09
Synthetic Biology:  Engineering a Novel Organism (semester?), IPRO 302: Synthetic Biology IPRO 302 Abstract Sp07
Integration Of Process Improvements (Spring 2011) IPRO 304: IntegrationOfProcessImprovementsIPRO304MidTermPresentationSp11
Design of a Large-Scale Structural System for the 21st Century (Semester Unknown) IPRO 356: DesignOfALarge-ScaleStructuralSystemIPRO356Poster2Sp10
Audio Quality & Energy Efficiency for Mobile Devices and Intercoms (Semester Unknown) IPRO 344: AudioQualityandEnergyEfficiencyForMobileDevicesandIntercomsIPRO344ProjectPlanSp09
Logistics Outsourcing Tool (semester?), IPRO 319
Friendly Forces Finder (Semester Unknown) EnPRO 350
