Search results

(341 - 360 of 9,612)


Design Project for Production of IFN-alpha (semester?), IPRO 345: IFN-alpha Production IPRO 345 IPRO Day Presentation Sp06
Assisting Cardiac Arrest Patients (Semester Unknown) IPRO 319: Assisting Cardiac Arrest Patients IPRO 319 Project Plan F08
Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery and Compositions Therefor
Power Plant Waste Heat Utilization for Greenhouse Applications (Semester Unknown) IPRO 342: AtomicProduceIPRO342FinalReportSp10
Detection of Misuse of Authorized Access in an Information Retrieval System
Exercise technology for Disabled People (Spring 2001) IPRO 312: Exercise technology for Disabled People IPRO312 Spring2001 Final Report
Urban Hybrid House
Building a Community Garden (semester?), IPRO 344: Community Gardening IPRO 344 Final Report S06
Design of a Large-Scale Structural System for the 21st Century (Semester Unknown) IPRO 356: DesignOfALarge-ScaleStructuralSystemIPRO356ProjectPlanSp10
The 21st Century Farm (Semester Unknown) IPRO 336: PlantThe21stCenturyFarmIPRO336FinalPresentationSp10
Power Measurement for Road Bicycles: Towards a Universal Solution (sequence unknown), IPRO 324 - Deliverables: IPRO 324 Poster F09
Harvesting & Beneficial Use of Condensate from Air Conditioning Systems, Summer 2011, IPRO 346: Final Report
Zinda (semester?), IPRO 352
Green Class Community (Semester Unknown) IPRO 358: GreengClassCommunity IPRO358Brochure2F10
Advanced Shipping Container Transportation System Solutions (semester?), IPRO 307: Advanced Shipping Container Transport IPRO 307 Final Report Sp07
Hybrid Electrolyte System
HIGH RISE BUILDING: plan and perspective
Intra-Plant Communication regarding Equipment Maintenance and Alerts (semester?), IPRO 303: Intra-Plant Communication IPRO 303 Poster Sp07
Improving Audio Quality and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Devices and Intercom Systems (Semester Unknown) IPRO 344: ImprovingAudioQualityandEnergyEfficiencyInMobileDevicesandIntercomSystemsIPRO344ProjectPlanF09
