Search results

(881 - 900 of 3,758)


Residential Rain Water Harvesting (Semester Unknown) IPRO 344: ResidentialRainWaterHarvestingIPRO344Poster2Su10
Unmanned Aerial Systems (Semester Unknown) IPRO 312: UnmannedAerialSystemsIPRO312Order3F10
Building a Wireless Broadband Infrastructure to Support Maritime Applications (semester?), IPRO 305: Wireless Broadband Infrastructure IPRO 305 Midterm Report Sp07
“How Many Earths?” (Semester Unknown) IPRO 332: HowManyEarthsIPRO332PosterSp09
Developing a Next-Generation Occupant Engagement System (Semester Unkown) IPRO 323: DevelopingANext-GenerationOccupantEngagementSystemIPRO323BrochureSp09
Developing Technology to Transform Education in Haiti (Semester Unknown) IPRO 335: OneLaptopPerChild-HaitiPRO335FinalPresentationF10
Edutainment (semester?), IPRO 329
Developing Affordable Products for the Rural Poor of the World (semester 4 of ?), IPRO 325: Affordable Products for Rural Poor IPRO 325 Abstract F07
Environmental Wood Reclamation via Creative Arts & Crafts Products (An Entrepreneurial IPRO Project) (Semester Unknown) IPRO 350: Environmental Wood Reclamation via Creative Arts and Crafts Products EnPRO 350 Brochure F08
The Widget Wonder Workers (Semester Unknown) IPRO 312: TheWidgetWonderWorkersIPRO312FinalReportF09
Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring (semester?), IPRO 331: Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring IPRO 331 Project Plan F04
Friendly Forces Finder (Semester Unknown) EnPRO 350: FriendlyForcesFinderEnPRO350FinalReportSp10
Design of a Sustainable New City in China (Semester Unknown) IPRO 316: Design of a Sustainable New City in Chinca IPRO 316 Poster Sp08
Combating Underage Drinking and Driving (Semester Unknown) IPRO 351: CombatingUnderageDrinkingandDrivingIPRO351BrochureF10
Sustainable Entrepreneurial Economic Development (Summer 2011) IPRO 350: Sustainable Entrepreneurial Economic Development IPRO350 Summer2011 Midterm Presentation
Zero Energy Lab (Semester Unknown) IPRO 337: Zero Energy Lab IPRO 337 Project Plan Sp08
Improving Abilityy to verify Audio CAPTCHA's (Semester Unknwon) IPRO 316: ImprovingAbilityToVerifyAudioIPRO316FinalReportSp10
Swimming Aid for Visually Impaired Swimmers (Semester Unknown) IPRO 310: Swimming%20Aid%20for%20Visually%20Impaired%20Swimmers%20IPRO%20310%20Project%20Plan%20F08_redacted
HawkTour (semester 2 of unknown), IPRO 305: HawkTour IPRO 305 Project Plan F04
Northern Illinois Hockey League (Semester Unknown) IPRO 308: NIHLIPRO308Poster1F09
