Search results

(1,321 - 1,340 of 8,095)


Integration of Process Improvements (Semester Unknown) IPRO 304: IntegrationOfProcessImprovementsIPRO304BrochureF09
Learning the Lingo? Gender, Prestige and Linguistic Adaptation in Review Communities
New Applications for Virtual Reality Training (semester?), IPRO 316: New Applications for Virtual Reality Training IPRO 316 Midterm Presentation F07
Fab Lab (Semester Unknown) IPRO 333: FabricationLabIPRO333EthicsSp09
Delta Hook Tech (Semester Unknown) IPRO 358
Integration of Process Improvements (Semester Unknown) IPRO 304: IntegrationOfProcessImprovementsIPRO304FinalPresentationSp10
Opening the door to the USHMM Archives with the Intranet Mediator (semester?), IPRO 311: IIT Intranet Mediator for USHMM IPRO 311 Project Plan Sp06
Feasibility Assessment of Sustainable Hydroelectric Facilities in Northeastern Illinois (semester?), IPRO 319: Hydroelectric NE IL IPRO 319 Final Report Sp06
Enhancing the Reliability and Performance of Paper Shredders (semester?), IPRO 321
Power Measurement for Road Bicycles: Towards a Universal Solution (Semester Unknown) IPRO 324: PowerMeasurementsForRoadBicyclesIPRO324Poster2Sp09
Method and Apparatus for Stress Analysis
Bucktown Artist's Live/Work Cooperative
Enhancing Psychology Research through Advanced Communications Technology (semester?), IPRO 306
Fab Lab (Semester Unknown) IPRO 333: FabricationLabIPRO333Poster4Sp09
Method for Recovery of Viscous Hydrocarbons by Electromagnetic Heating In Situ
Steerable Catheter
Conversion of a Commercial-Grade Riding Lawnmower to Hydrogen Fuel in conjunction with John Deere and the Chicago Parks District (semester?), IPRO 310
Oak Park Energy Efficiency & Carbon Reduction (Semester Unknown) IPRO 329: OakParkEnergyEfficiencyAndCarbonReductionIPRO329ProjectPlantF10_redacted
Swimming Aid for Visually Impaired Swimmers (Semester Unknown) IPRO 310: Swimming Aid for Visually Impaired Swimmers IPRO 310 Poster1 F08
Crop to Truck (Semester Unknown) EnPRO 353: MobileCoffeeBaristaEnPRO353MidTermPresentationF10
