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(181 - 200 of 214)


A linear-algebraic tool for conditional independence inference
Mode Poset Probability Polytopes
L-cumulants, L-cumulant embeddings and algebraic statistics
Generalized Fréchet Bounds for Cell Entries in Multidimensional Contingency Tables
Maximal Length Projections in Group Algebras with Applications to Linear Rank Tests of Uniformity
Connectivity for 3 x 3 x K contingency tables
Matrix Completion for the Independence Model
One example of general unidentifiable tensors
Hilbert Polynomial of the Kimura 3-Parameter Model
Assessing Graduate Student Progress in Engineering Ethics
'Ain't No One Here But Us Social Forces' : Constructing the Social Responsibility of Engineers.
A Case of "Gray Plagiarism" from the History of the History of Computing
Do the Professional Ethics of Chemists and Engineers Differ ?
Ethics in the Details : Communicating Engineering Ethics via Micro-Insertion
IIT's Workshops for Integrating Ethics into Technical Courses : Some Lessons Learned
Replacement as a Problem for Justification of Preventative Detention
University Research and the Wages of Commerce.
The Usefulness of Moral Theory in Practical Ethics: A Question of Comparative Cost (A Response to Harris)
Professionalism Means Putting Your Profession First
Optimizing Cell-Free Protein Synthesis for Increased Yield and Activity of Colicins
