Search results

(301 - 320 of 8,733)


A Video Annotation and Indexing System (sequence unknown), IPRO 327 - Deliverables: IPRO 327 Midterm Presentation F09
Assessing and Improving Interprofessional Education at IIT (semester ?), IPRO 339: iKnow Training and Testing IPRO 339 IPRO Day Presentation F04
Design and Economic Evaluations of Biorefinery Operations (semester?), IPRO 347: Eval of Biorefinery IPRO 347 IPRO Day Presentation Sp06
Our Energy Future: Lessons in Sustainability (Semester Unknown) IPRO 332: OurEnergyFutureLessonsInSustainabilityIPRO332BrochureF09
The Artificial Pancreas (semester?), IPRO 308: Developing an Artificial Pancreas IPRO 308 Midterm Report F06
Power Measurement for Road Bicycles: Towards a Universal Solution (Semester Unknown) IPRO 324: Power Measurements for Road Bikes IPRO 324 Ethics Statement F08
Method for Producing Easily Oxidized High Melting Point Metals and Their Alloys
Enhancing the Reliability and Performance of Paper Shredders (Semester Unknown) IPRO 321: Enhancing the Reliability and Performance of Paper Shredders  IPRO 321 Poster Sp08
Disaster Recovery:  DIY Home Building (semester?), IPRO 324: Disaster Recovery DIY Yourself Home Building IPRO 324 Midterm Report F06
Innovating Process Improvements in Manufacturing Operations (Semester Unknown) IPRO 304: Innovating Process Improvements in Manufacturing Operations IPRO 304 Final Report F08
The IIT Reality:  Finding a Job (semester?), IPRO 333: IIT Reality - Finding a job as IIT Grad IPRO 333 Final Report F06
UV Transmitting Borosilicate Glass Composition and Article
Longitudinal Oscillator for Cardiac Arrest Victims (semester?), IPRO 332
Zero Energy Community (Semester Unknown) IPRO 323: ZeroEnergyCommunityIPRO323FinalPresentationF09
Sensor Systems in the Transportation Industry (Spring 2001) IPRO 353
Helping in Orthotics and Prosthetic Education (Semester Unknown) IPRO 309: ProstethicsAndOrthoticsInLatinAmericaIPRO309PosterSp11
Small-Scale Desalination (Semester Unknown) EnPRO 354: Small-ScaleDesalinationEnPRO354FinalReportSp10
Insight:  Anticipating the Future, Assessing the Impact (semester?), IPRO 341: Insight IPRO 341 Project Plan F06
Developing a document Control Sytem (Semester Unknown) IPRO 347: Developing a document Control Sytem IPRO 347Project Plan Su08
