Search results

(281 - 300 of 8,548)


Apparatus and Method for In Situ Heat Processing of Hydrocarbonaceous Formations
Power Measurement for Road Bicycles: Toward a Universal Solution (Semester Unknown) IPRO 324: PowerMeasurementForRoadBicyclesIPRO324FinalPresentationF09
Simply Park (Semester Unknown) IPRO 365: SimplyParkIPRO365Poster2Sp11
Alumni Memorial Hall Renovation (Semester Unkown) IPRO 335: Alumni Memorial Hall Renovation IPRO 335 Project Plan Sp08
Feasibility Assessment of Sustainable Hydroelectric Facilities in Northeastern Illinois (semester?), IPRO 319: Hydroelectric NE IL IPRO 319 Project Plan Sp06
Assisting Cardiac Arrest Patients (Semester Unknown) IPRO 319: Assisting Cardiac Arrest Patients IPRO 319 Final ReportF08
Sysnthesis of a Carbon-Based Catalyst from Sludge
Enhanced Vision System for Construction Safety (Semester Unknown) IPRO 355
Oral History of Pilgrim Baptist Church (Spring 2003) IPRO 334: Oral History of Pilgrim Baptist Church IPRO334 Spring2003 Final Presentation
Developing Web Applications for the Northern Illinois Hockey League (sequence unknown), IPRO 308 - Deliverables: IPRO 308 Final Report F09
Ghost City Chicago ( Fall 2003 ) IPRO 306: Ghost City Chicago IPRO306 Fall2003 Final Presentation
Application of Solar Thermal Heating Technologies in Large Scale Buildings in the Urban Environment (semester?), IPRO 328: Solar Thermal Tech for Large Bldgs IPRO 328 IPRO Day Presentation F04
Edutainment (semester 2 of unknown), IPRO 329: Edutainment IPRO 329 Project Plan F04
Our Energy Future (Semester Unknown) IPRO 332: Our Energy Future IPRO 332 Final Report Sp08
Magnetic Transducer Head Assembly
Kalleidos (Spring 2011) IPRO 303
Automatic Insulin Pumps Using Recursive Multivariable Models and Adaptive Control Algorithms
Growing Water: 31st Street Eco-Boulevard and IIT Pavilion Prototype (Semester Unknown) IPRO 322: Growing Water IPRO 322 Ethics F08
