Search results

(201 - 220 of 3,704)


Design and Economic Evaluations of Biorefinery Operations (semester?), IPRO 347: Eval of Biorefinery IPRO 347 IPRO Day Presentation Sp06
Our Energy Future: Lessons in Sustainability (Semester Unknown) IPRO 332: OurEnergyFutureLessonsInSustainabilityIPRO332BrochureF09
Power Measurement for Road Bicycles: Towards a Universal Solution (Semester Unknown) IPRO 324: Power Measurements for Road Bikes IPRO 324 Ethics Statement F08
Enhancing the Reliability and Performance of Paper Shredders (Semester Unknown) IPRO 321: Enhancing the Reliability and Performance of Paper Shredders  IPRO 321 Poster Sp08
Disaster Recovery:  DIY Home Building (semester?), IPRO 324: Disaster Recovery DIY Yourself Home Building IPRO 324 Midterm Report F06
Innovating Process Improvements in Manufacturing Operations (Semester Unknown) IPRO 304: Innovating Process Improvements in Manufacturing Operations IPRO 304 Final Report F08
The IIT Reality:  Finding a Job (semester?), IPRO 333: IIT Reality - Finding a job as IIT Grad IPRO 333 Final Report F06
Research Web (Semester Unknown) IPRO 321: ResearchWebIPRO321Brochure1F09
Longitudinal Oscillator for Cardiac Arrest Victims (semester?), IPRO 332
Zero Energy Community (Semester Unknown) IPRO 323: ZeroEnergyCommunityIPRO323FinalPresentationF09
Sensor Systems in the Transportation Industry (Spring 2001) IPRO 353
Helping in Orthotics and Prosthetic Education (Semester Unknown) IPRO 309: ProstethicsAndOrthoticsInLatinAmericaIPRO309PosterSp11
Small-Scale Desalination (Semester Unknown) EnPRO 354: Small-ScaleDesalinationEnPRO354FinalReportSp10
Insight:  Anticipating the Future, Assessing the Impact (semester?), IPRO 341: Insight IPRO 341 Project Plan F06
Developing a document Control Sytem (Semester Unknown) IPRO 347: Developing a document Control Sytem IPRO 347Project Plan Su08
New Product Evaluation and Improvement (Semester Unknown) IPRO 341: NewProductEvaluationandImprovementIPRO341Poster2Su09
Operation Smooth Brews (Semester Unknown) IPRO 345: OperationSmoothBrewsIPRO345FinalPresentationSp09
Global Warming and Community Outreach (Semester Unknown) IPRO 331: GlobalWarmingandCommunityOutreachIPRO331FinalPresentationSp10
Machine Vibration Monitoring and Control Solutions for A. Finkl & sons (semester?), IPRO 331: Finkl Machine Vibration Monitoring and Control Solutions IPRO 331 Midterm Report Sp06
Delta Hook Technologies (DHT) EnPRO 358: DHT EnPRO358MidTermPresentationSu10
