Search results

(21 - 40 of 44)


Recent developments in Monte Carlo simulations
Diffraction at the LHC
Low-energy exclusive cross sections and inclusive production of identified charged hadrons with Babar
Particle production at large momentum transfer
Study of the helix model
Measurement of the charged kaon correlations at small relative momentum in the SELEX experiment
Future physics: A personal view
Kaon Freeze-out Dynamics in √sNN=200 GeV Au+Au Collisions at RHIC
Measurement of the strong coupling αS from the 3-jet rate in e⁺ e⁻  annihilation using JADE data
Parton distributions and event generators
Overview of Higgs results from CMS
Measurement of hadron production in Deep Inelastic Scattering
Recent results from the search for the critical point of strongly interacting matter at the CERN SPS
Color reconnection and its effects on precise measurements at the LHC
Hadronic final states in high-pT QCD at CDF
Recent results on vector boson production in association with jets with the CMS detector
Stochastic mechanism of color confinement
The phase diagram of QCD from lattice simulations
The Tevatron energy scan: Findings & surprises
Central exclusive production and the Durham diffractive program
