Diffractive particle production in ep collisions and coherent pp interactions is studied assuming that the color singlet t channel exchange... Show moreDiffractive particle production in ep collisions and coherent pp interactions is studied assuming that the color singlet t channel exchange carries large momentum transfer. The differential and total cross sections for vector meson and photon production are calculated using the non-forward solution of the LO and NLO BFKL equation at high energy and large momentum transfer and the predictions are compared with the DESY HERA data. Moreover, we estimate the rapidity distributions and total cross section for the J/Ψ and ρ production in coherent pp interactions at LHC energies. We predict large rates, which implies that the experimental identification can be feasible at the LHC. Sponsorship: IIT College of Science, High Energy Physics Division of Argonne National Laboratory Show less
(-) mods_name_creator_namePart_mt:"Sauter, Werner K."