We present the implementation within the Pythia8 event generator of a set of parton distributions based on NNPDF methodology. We construct a... Show moreWe present the implementation within the Pythia8 event generator of a set of parton distributions based on NNPDF methodology. We construct a set of leading-order parton distributions with QED corrections, NNPDF2.3QED LO set, based on the same data as the previous NNPDF2.3 NLO and NNLO PDF sets. We compare this PDF set to its higher-order counterparts, we discuss its implementation as an internal set in Pythia8, and we use it to study some of the phenomenological implications of photon-initiated contributions for dilepton production at hadron colliders. Sponsorship: IIT College of Science, High Energy Physics Division of Argonne National Laboratory Show less