We describe a measurement of the strong coupling αS(MZ₀ ) from the 3-jet rate in hadronic final states of e⁺ e⁻ annihilation recorded with the JADE detector at centre-of-mass energies of 14 to 44 GeV. The jets are reconstructed with the Durham jet clustering algorithm. The JADE 3-jet rate data... Show moreWe describe a measurement of the strong coupling αS(MZ₀ ) from the 3-jet rate in hadronic final states of e⁺ e⁻ annihilation recorded with the JADE detector at centre-of-mass energies of 14 to 44 GeV. The jets are reconstructed with the Durham jet clustering algorithm. The JADE 3-jet rate data are compared with QCD predictions in NNLO combined with resummed calculations. We find good agreement between the data and the prediction and extract αS(MZ₀ ) = 0.1199±0.0010(stat.)±0.0021(exp.)±0.0054(had.)±0.0007(theo.) .
Sponsorship: IIT College of Science, High Energy Physics Division of Argonne National Laboratory Show less