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(21 - 40 of 1,348)


System and Method for Determining and Sharing Spectrum Availability
Pharmacological Atrial Defibrillator and Method
Bonding Pad-Oriented All-Mode ESD Protection Structure
Magnetic Impulse Record Member, Magnetic Material and Method of Making Magnetic Material
Methods for Multi-User Broadband Wireless Channel Estimation
Confinement in Porous Material by Driving Out Water and Substituting Sealent
Winding and Reeling Mechanism
The world's playground: final_board_2
Bifilar Magnetic Recording System
Distributed Feed Fuel Cell Stack
Hafnium Base Alloy (Boron)
Signal Transducer Systems
Two-phase Heat Transport Device using Electrohydrodynamic Conduction Pumping
Method and Apparatus for Treating Materials
Process to Allocate Channels in a Sectorized Cellular Network
Method of Producing Hydrazine
