The invention disclosed is a process to allocate channels in a sectorized cellular network. A system of allocating cellular frequencies (channels) to the sectors among the cells within a tile is disclosed which maximizes channel set usage within the tile while avoiding co-channel interference... Show moreThe invention disclosed is a process to allocate channels in a sectorized cellular network. A system of allocating cellular frequencies (channels) to the sectors among the cells within a tile is disclosed which maximizes channel set usage within the tile while avoiding co-channel interference between cells. According to the present system, no infrastructure rebuild is required. The disclosed approach further supports all currently used cellular technology. By alternating and rotating the channel assignments across sectors, what is a seemingly locally poor algorithm utilizing additional local channels is actually a globally good algorithm which is efficient in terms of the total number of channels used owing to short reuse distance and low number of cell types.
Sponsorship: Illinois Institute of Technology
United States Patent Show less