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(301 - 320 of 9,782)


Developing Web Applications for the Northern Illinois Hockey League (sequence unknown), IPRO 308 - Deliverables: IPRO 308 Final Report F09
Ghost City Chicago ( Fall 2003 ) IPRO 306: Ghost City Chicago IPRO306 Fall2003 Final Presentation
Application of Solar Thermal Heating Technologies in Large Scale Buildings in the Urban Environment (semester?), IPRO 328: Solar Thermal Tech for Large Bldgs IPRO 328 IPRO Day Presentation F04
Edutainment (semester 2 of unknown), IPRO 329: Edutainment IPRO 329 Project Plan F04
Our Energy Future (Semester Unknown) IPRO 332: Our Energy Future IPRO 332 Final Report Sp08
Magnetic Transducer Head Assembly
Kalleidos (Spring 2011) IPRO 303
Automatic Insulin Pumps Using Recursive Multivariable Models and Adaptive Control Algorithms
Growing Water: 31st Street Eco-Boulevard and IIT Pavilion Prototype (Semester Unknown) IPRO 322: Growing Water IPRO 322 Ethics F08
Magnetic Transducing Assembly
Comparison of Brake Pedal Frictional Characteristics (Spring 2001) IPRO 313: Comparison of Brake Pedal Frictional Characteristics IPRO313 Spring 2001 Final Presentation
A Video Annotation and Indexing System (sequence unknown), IPRO 327 - Deliverables: IPRO 327 Midterm Presentation F09
Assessing and Improving Interprofessional Education at IIT (semester ?), IPRO 339: iKnow Training and Testing IPRO 339 IPRO Day Presentation F04
Design and Economic Evaluations of Biorefinery Operations (semester?), IPRO 347: Eval of Biorefinery IPRO 347 IPRO Day Presentation Sp06
Our Energy Future: Lessons in Sustainability (Semester Unknown) IPRO 332: OurEnergyFutureLessonsInSustainabilityIPRO332BrochureF09
The Artificial Pancreas (semester?), IPRO 308: Developing an Artificial Pancreas IPRO 308 Midterm Report F06
Power Measurement for Road Bicycles: Towards a Universal Solution (Semester Unknown) IPRO 324: Power Measurements for Road Bikes IPRO 324 Ethics Statement F08
Method for Producing Easily Oxidized High Melting Point Metals and Their Alloys
Enhancing the Reliability and Performance of Paper Shredders (Semester Unknown) IPRO 321: Enhancing the Reliability and Performance of Paper Shredders  IPRO 321 Poster Sp08
Disaster Recovery:  DIY Home Building (semester?), IPRO 324: Disaster Recovery DIY Yourself Home Building IPRO 324 Midterm Report F06
