Search results

(2,761 - 2,780 of 3,603)


ZERO ENERGY LAB (Semester Unknown) IPRO 337: ZeroEnergyLabIPRO337Poster3Sp09
Interdisciplinary Design Education And Strategy (Semester Unknown) IPRO 301: InterdisciplinaryDesignEducationAndStrategyIPRO301FinalPresentationSu09
Medical Informatics: Scoping Health Care Information Technology (semester?), IPRO 372: Medical Informatics IPRO 372 Final Report F04
Orthotics and Prosthetics in Latin America (Semester Unknown) IPRO 309: Orthotic and Prosthetic Education for Latin America and the United States IPRO 309 Final Report F08
Ultra-High-Speed Market Data System (semester?), IPRO 313: Ultra High Speed Market Data System IPRO 313 IPRO Day Presentation F07
Orthotics and Prosthetics in Latin America (Semester Unknown) IPRO 309
Zero Energy Home 1114 W Roscoe Ave (Semester Unknown) IPRO 317: ZeroEnergyHomeIPRO317EthicsF09
Zero Energy Home 1114 W Roscoe Ave (Semester Unknown) IPRO 317: ZeroEnergyHomeIPRO317Poster2F09
Logistics Outsourcing Tool (semester?), IPRO 319: Logistics Outsourcing Tool IPRO 319 Abstract F06
Edutainment (semester 1 of Unknown), IPRO 329: College Pursuit Game Development IPRO 329 Final Report Sp04
Continiuous improvements of the Global Supply Chain for a Plumbing Systems Manufacturer (Semester Unknown) IPRO 306: ContinuousImprovementsOfTheGlobalSupplyChainForAPlumbingSystemsManufacturerIPRO306PosterSp09
Misuse Detection (semester?), IPRO 311: Computer Misuse IPRO 311 Midterm Report Sp07_redacted
Integration of Process Improvements (Semester Unknown) IPRO 304: IntegrationOfProcessImprovementsIPRO304MidTermPresentationF09
Designing Affordable Housing out of Shipping Containers for Chicago (Semester Unknown) IPRO 339: DesigningAffordableHousingOutOfShippingContainersForChicagoIPRO339BrochureSu09
Developing a Next-Generation Occupant Engagement System (Semester Unkown) IPRO 323: DevelopingANext-GenerationOccupantEngagementSystemIPRO323FinalSp09
Global Warming and Community Outreach (Semester Unknown) IPRO 331: GlobalWarmingandCommunityOutreachIPRO328FinalReportSp09
Evaluating the Commercial Potential of IIT's Mercury Pollution Prevention Technology (semester?), IPRO 356: Mercury Pollution Prevention Tech IPRO 356 IPRO Day Presentation Sp05
An Affordable Microcontroller for Students (semester?), IPRO 353: Microcontroller Business Development IPRO 353 Final Report Sp05
Campus Branding/ Sustainability Image (Semester Unknown) IPRO 311: Campus Branding Sustainability Image IPRO 311 Final Report F08
Campus Branding/ Sustainability Image (Semester Unknown) IPRO 311: Campus BrandingSustainability Image IPRO 311 Poster Sp08
