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(21 - 40 of 66)


Ethical Considerations for Personnel Administrators and Human Resources Managers
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics
Four Kinds of Workplace Ethics for Discussion
Methodological Missteps: A Response to Brooks' "On Retribution"
Ethics After the Crash
Freedom of Expression in the Corporate Workplace : A Philosophical Inquiry
General Contractors : Some Ethical Problems
Professionalism Among Chinese Engineers: An Empirical Study
On the Need for Ethical Buying and Selling
Ownership of Computer Programs
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics: Questionnaire Survey on the Occupational Cognitive Status-20160428: Questionnaire Survey on the Occupational Cognitive Status-20160428
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics: Analysis on Subjective Questions of Engineering professional questionnaire(engineering degree personnel)-2016-4-22
Engineering Codes of Ethics : Analysis and Applications
Critical Attributes of Good Process Decisions: a Guide for Reflective Special Education Hearing Officers
Limitations Upon Legitimate Authority to Suspend and Expel K-12 Public School Students: A Moral Analysis
Moral Responsibility and Whistleblowing in the Nuclear Industry : Browns Ferry and Three Mile Island
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics: Q24 Do you know the technical standards and code of conducts of your engineering society-2016-5-24
Professionalism Among Chinese Engineers: An Empirical Study
Conflicts of Interest in Engineering
Assessing Graduate Student Progress in Engineering Ethics
