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(101 - 115 of 115)


Automatic Insulin Pumps Using Recursive Multivariable Models and Adaptive Control Algorithms
Automatic Insulin Pumps Using Recursive Multivariable Models and Adaptive Control Algorithms
Automatic Insulin Pumps Using Recursive Multivariable Models and Adaptive Control Algorithms
Automatic Insulin Pumps Using Recursive Multivariable Models and Adaptive Control Algorithms
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics: Answers to question 25
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics: Questionnaire Survey on the Occupational Cognitive Status-20160419
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics: Questionnaire Survey on the Occupational Cognitive Status-20160428: Questionnaire Survey on the Occupational Cognitive Status-20160428
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics: Q24 Do you know the technical standards and code of conducts of your engineering society-2016-5-19
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics: Copy of data set
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics: Q22 What do you think about engineers-- promotion opportunity--- And what concerns do you have about your career development-2016-5-19
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics: Q23 How do you think that engineers can get their success and self-identity-2016-5-19
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics: Questionnaire Survey on the Occupational Cognitive Status-20160428: Questionnaire Survey on the Occupational Cognitive Status-20160428
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics: Analysis on Subjective Questions of Engineering professional questionnaire(engineering degree personnel)-2016-4-22
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics: Q24 Do you know the technical standards and code of conducts of your engineering society-2016-5-24
