The IPRO 347 team intends to seize the opportunity given by Robbins Community Power (RCP) to improve the efficiency of the power plant. RCP... Show moreThe IPRO 347 team intends to seize the opportunity given by Robbins Community Power (RCP) to improve the efficiency of the power plant. RCP plans to convert the facility from its original role as an incinerator into a wood biomass electricity plant. Working with RCP, the team will look at thermodynamic values to determine how to best utilize the excess heat generated from the boiler that currently radiates out the cooling towers. Additionally, the team will research and discuss possible solutions to be implemented on the 22 acre site. The intricacies that arise from the nontraditional nature of our plan require we split into two groups. One sub-team will look into exactly where the waste heat exists and the values of viable energy available in the form of steam or hot water. This team will seek interdisciplinary advice as part of the energy analysis. The second, but most influential, sub-team will predominantly be researching feasible outlets for the recovered energy. Some solutions they will pursue include supplying nearby greenhouses with CO2, providing on-site and local heat, and increasing the efficiency of the plant through drying processes. IPRO 347-Summer 2010 Project Sponsorship: Robbins Community Power (RCP) Deliverables Show less
GPS modules and tracking devices have influenced many advances in modern technology. The data GPS provides has replaced the map and compass,... Show moreGPS modules and tracking devices have influenced many advances in modern technology. The data GPS provides has replaced the map and compass, and can be crucial in many situations. Its current platform for use however requires the user to utilize a handheld device and direct his/her frame of view to a screen. In many situations there is a need to have eyes on and full awareness of surroundings, something that simply can't be done while holding and viewing a handheld device. To solve this dilemma, team Smart Specs has integrated ideas of GPS, heads-up displays, and datalink technology to form a design that will give the user full hands free capabilities. This device, worn like glasses, allows the user to track objects and even designate objects to be tracked, which are all shown through heads-up display. Project plan for IPRO 350: Smart Binoculars for Military & Civilian Use for the fall 2009 semester Show less