Institutional Repository
- Signal Compression or Expansion System Using Variable Azimuth Magnetic Recording
- Sponsorship: IIT Research Institute, United States Patent
- New Technologies For Cardiac Arrest Patients (Semester Unknown) IPRO 319
- Over 250,000 people in the U.S. alone die annually from sudden cardiac arrest, and many of those that survive suffer brain damage, which can begin within minutes of the heart attack. Major risks among survivors include tissue damage, including brain damage. We are currently developing three life saving devices which could greatly decrease the risks which cardiac arrest victims face, and also save lives., Deliverables
- Zoo Tech (Semester Unknown) IPRO 318
- The members of IPRO 318 are teaming up with the Brookfield Zoo to develop an iPhone application which will enhance the visitors‟ experience and interactions with the Zoo environment. This educational module will be broken down into two major components. First, the Zoo education staff and animal researchers need help in developing a guided inquiry process that will assist users in identifying animals. By organizing the hierarchical structure of information provided by the Zoo, and coupling this with the tools available on the iPhone, IPRO 318 seeks to design an efficient, educational, and entertaining means of utilizing modern technology to identify animals in the Zoo and beyond., Sponsorship: Brookfield Zoo, Deliverables
- Hierarchical Structured Abstract Data Organization System
- A method in a data processing system and apparatus for organizing files, web pages, or web site members organized in a traditional first hierarchical file structure that is on a recordable medium of a data processing system. A user-defined metalabel is assigned to each of the electronic files, web pages, or web site members. The electronic files, web pages, or web site members are organized as a function of the metalabels into a second hierarchical file structure existing simultaneously with the first hierarchical file structure on the recordable medium of the data processing system. The files, web pages, or web site members can be organized or grouped by the metalabels for efficient searching or following conversations of group members on social networking sites., Sponsorship: Illinois Institute of Technology, United States Patent, Primary US Patent Classification 707/802, US Patent Classification 707/805, US Patent Classification 707/822, US Patent Classification 707/828, US Patent Classification 707/829, US Patent Classification 715/733, US Patent Classification 715/736, US Patent Classification 715/845, US Patent Classification 715/853, International Patent Classification G06F7/00, International Patent Classification G06F17/30
- Alleviating Homelessness in Chicago
- Alleviating homelessness in Chicago through the creation of a network of self-sufficient, revenue generating support nodes.
- Orthotics and Prosthetics in Latin America (Semester Unknown) IPRO 309
- Many people around the world are in need of orthotic and/or prosthetic care due to pathologies that cannot be effectively treated any other way. There is a great need for establishing and sustaining educational opportunities. Our IPRO focuses on the population of South America, and more specifically Colombia. Our goal is to provide them with educational information to support their existing Orthotic and Prosthetic (O&P) Technician training program at Centro don Bosco in Bogotá. We will continue the work of previous IPROs by creating modules that concentrate on O&P solutions to pathologies that occur on different areas of the body, specifically upper limb, spine, and lower limb. This semester we will also test the effectiveness of our educational modules by using the modules exclusively to fabricate an actual orthotic device. Our modules will also be translated to Spanish for the audience in Colombia., Deliverables
- Magnetic Duplicating Method and Means
- Sponsorship: Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology, United States Patent
- Designing Affordable Housing out of Shipping Containers for Chicago (Semester Unknown) IPRO 339
- The City of Chicago has been nominated as the U.S. Bid City for the 2016 Olympic Games. If Chicago was to win the honorable tile of the Host City, one of the main challenges that the organizers will face is to provide a temporary housing for all athletes, organizers, media and spectators involved. While the athletes, coaches and other major players will be situated in Olympic village, thousands if not millions of others, will face the challenge of seeking the affordable housing for the length of stay. Our IPRO proposes economical and environmentally friendly solution to this problem. We propose to utilize thousands of old shipping containers that are abundant in Chicago area and to convert them into housing objects. These second hand products will be modified and equipped with electrical, plumbing and HVAC installations, making them aesthetically and functionally comparable to similar conventional housing objects. Following the completion of the Olympic Games, these housing containers could be easily converted into affordable permanent housing for the residents of the Chicago South side. This will allow local residentsto benefit from higher quality affordable housing without being forced to relocate from their neighborhoods. Considering that housing accommodations in Chicago during Olympics will be highly priced most of the construction costs can be covered in this manner. Our IPRO hopes to make esthetically appealing and practical permanent housing out of materials that can be recycled twice: first from the shipping containers and second from the Olympic Housing. We also plan to explore particular needs of temporary residents during Olympics and later permanent residents as well as to explore what would be the most effective transformation methods from one purpose to the other. These housing objects must appeal to many people from different cultural backgrounds, and provide them with good living conditions for a short period of time. Also, we must investigate what makes affordable housing possible and what are the mistakes that the City of Chicago made in the past with similar projects. These housing structures must be fully functional for the future permanent residents, but they also must be designed in accordance with rules and regulations by the City of Chicago Department of Buildings so that they are safe and aesthetically appealing for all of the other local residents. In conclusion, the container housing is an affordable and environmentally friendly solution to housing needs of numerous individuals involved in the Olympic events while it also provides a long term housing opportunity for the residents of the local community., Deliverables
- Campus Branding/ Sustainability Image (Semester Unknown) IPRO 311
- The overall aim of the project is to improve and enhance the image of Illinois Institute of Technology, both as an institution and a physical campus, in regards to sustainability and “green” practices. To that end, the current semester is focused on several design projects based on concepts generated in the previous semesters along with input from the current semesters to enhance a new “green” campus. We will also be spreading information how IIT is currently acting in a sustainable fashion and how students on campus can contribute to our image as a sustainable campus., Deliverables
- Personal VTOL Aircraft (semester?), IPRO 317
- The first and primary objective of IPRO 317 is to continue advancing the existing prototype towards full flight worthiness. This will be achieved through several overhauls of existing parts, as well as through consultation with outside experts in the radio control field. The team will also implement many new safety features as the prototype progresses toward the ultimate goal of free flight. The second objective of this semester’s IPRO 317 is to pick up where the previous semester left off on the construction of a second prototype design. Many parts have been ordered and are awaiting assembly; however several others must be developed and fabricated. The end result of this objective will produce a second viable alternative vehicle for use in marketing the idea of a VTOL aircraft to the public. The final objective of IPRO 317 is to review and analyze the results of previous semesters regarding the objectives, design goals, and feasibility of a full-scale prototype, including any existing models. Once the design goals of the aircraft are made firm a new model will be created from parts available on the current market., Deliverables for IPRO 317: Personal VTOL Aircraft for the Fall 2006 semester
- PSECMAC Intelligent Insulin Schedule for Diabetic Blood Glucose Management Under Nonmeal Announcement
- Therapeutically, the closed-loop blood glucose-insulin regulation paradigm via a controllable insulin pump offers a potential solution to the management of diabetes. However, the development of such a closed-loop regulatory system to date has been hampered by two main issues: 1) the limited knowledge on the complex human physiological process of glucose-insulin metabolism that prevents a precise modeling of the biological blood glucose control loop; and 2) the vast metabolic biodiversity of the diabetic population due to varying exogneous and endogenous disturbances such as food intake, exercise, stress, and hormonal factors, etc. In addition, current attempts of closed-loop glucose regulatory techniques generally require some form of prior meal announcement and this constitutes a severe limitation to the applicability of such systems. In this paper, we present a novel intelligent insulin schedule based on the pseudo self-evolving cerebellar model articulation controller (PSECMAC) associative learning memory model that emulates the healthy human insulin response to food ingestion. The proposed PSECMAC intelligent insulin schedule requires no prior meal announcement and delivers the necessary insulin dosage based only on the observed blood glucose fluctuations. Using a simulated healthy subject, the proposed PSECMAC insulin schedule is demonstrated to be able to accurately capture the complex human glucose-insulin dynamics and robustly addresses the intraperson metabolic variability. Subsequently, the PSECMAC intelligent insulin schedule is employed on a group of type-1 diabetic patients to regulate their impaired blood glucose levels. Preliminary simulation results are highly encouraging. The work reported in this paper represents a major paradigm shift in the management of diabetes where patient compliance is poor and the need for prior meal announcement under current treatment regimes poses a significant challenge to an active lifestyle., Endnote format citation for DOI:10.1109/TNN.2009.2036726
- Digital Urban Park
- This project is a park that utilizes social networks and interactivity to convey and make physical the internet. This is explored through three parts and varying levels of group interaction between both the users of the space and by the spaces direct influence from the internet.
- Tsunami Relief (semester?), IPRO 308
- The project will be a continuing multi-semester development. The first semester will be a period where the students and faculty decide which route to take, research the feasibility, research old or create new designs, structure a plan, and set up the contacts necessary to achieve one or more of the following: (1) Plan and design a clinic, (2) Plan and design a school, (3) Research problems and difficulties that current relief organizations have been encountering and develop viable solutions, (4) plan and design (and build?) cost-effective homes in collaboration with other universities (e.g. University of Houston)., Deliverables for IPRO 308: Tsunami Relief for the Spring 2005 semester
- Transducer System Having a Series of Cores with First and Second Windings with A.C. Signals Applied Thereto
- Sponsorship: IIT Research Institute, United States Patent
- Cross Field Transducer Head with Housing as Cross Field Return Path
- Sponsorship: IIT Research Institute, United States Patent
- Application of Solar Thermal Heating Technologies in Large Scale Buildings in the Urban Environment (semester?), IPRO 328
- To provide heating to the pool facility and surrounding spaces of Keating Sport Facility through the use of solar thermal collectors placed in the immediate area. • To discover which form or solar collector has the highest potential payback if used. • To discover if modification of the building envelop has a potential to reduce the energy load produced by Keating Sports Facility. • To study the possibilities of using sustainable system to provide for the cooling of Keating sports facility. • To study the impact of solar thermal Technologies can have on Chicago as a whole, Deliverables for IPRO 328: Application of Solar Thermal Heating Technologies in Large Scale Buildings in the Urban Environment for the Fall 2004 semester
- Magnetic Recorder Sound Unit
- Sponsorship: Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology, United States Patent
- IPRO Knowledge Management System (Semester 1 of Unknown) IPRO 339
- 338 Complete iKNOW programming v1.0/1.1 Test iKNOW system v1.0 Build Topiary Applications for the IPRO program Produce Rollout plan for iKNOW in the fall 339 Do spring assessment analysis Deliver fall 03 team assessments to faculty Evaluate use of yahoo groups, suggest alternatives Revise and conduct team briefings and debriefings Conduct alumni survey on IPRO experience, Sponsorship: IPRO, Topiary, Deliverables
- Method and Means of Magnetic Recording
- Sponsorship: Armour Research Foundation, United States Patent