Search results

(7,321 - 7,340 of 7,758)


Quantifying Localization Safety for State-of-the-Art Mobile Robot Estimation Algorithms
Designs and Optimizations of Oblivious Data Access for Mitigating Access Pattern Leakage
Developing Adaptive and Predictive Modules for the Second Generation of Multivariable Insulin Delivery System for People with Type-1 Diabetes
Transdiagnostic Emotional Factors as Mediators of the Relation between Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms and Tobacco Use and Dependence in a Large Community Sample of Adolescents
Applications of Optimal Contract Theory in Brokerage
The Peter Principle and Career Development in Construction Management
Qualitative Investigation of Stigma Experiences of Individuals Living with Hoarding Disorder
Organo-Functionalized Polyoxometalates
Efficacy of Power Ultrasound Technology on the Reduction of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella enterica on Produce Matrices
Critical Understanding of Multi-Mode Luminescence Properties of Eu3+ Doped LaAlO3
Towards Utility-Driven Data Analytics with Differential Privacy
Latent Price Model for Market Microstructure: Estimation and Simulation
Electric Machine Windings with Reduced Space Harmonic Content
Polarization Induced by A Terahertz Electric Field in A Semiconductor Nanodimer in the Overlapping Regime
High Frequency Trading and the Impact of Volume-Duration on Market Quality in the U.S. Futures Markets
Neuropsychological Pattern of Verbal and Nonverbal Processing Speed Discrepancy in Veterans with Co-Occurring mTBI and PTSD
Phase field modeling and computation of vesicle growth or shrinkage
Leader Identity Claiming and Granting Process: The Role of Gender on Perceptions of Leadership
Approximation Algorithms for Selected Network and Graph Problems
Research through Provocation: A Structured Process to Design New Information Technologies
