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(21 - 40 of 69)


Culture, Social Psychology, and Business Ethics
Ethical Considerations for Personnel Administrators and Human Resources Managers
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics
Four Kinds of Workplace Ethics for Discussion
Methodological Missteps: A Response to Brooks' "On Retribution"
Ethics After the Crash
Freedom of Expression in the Corporate Workplace : A Philosophical Inquiry
General Contractors : Some Ethical Problems
Professionalism Among Chinese Engineers: An Empirical Study
On the Need for Ethical Buying and Selling
Ownership of Computer Programs
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics: Questionnaire Survey on the Occupational Cognitive Status-20160428: Questionnaire Survey on the Occupational Cognitive Status-20160428
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics: Analysis on Subjective Questions of Engineering professional questionnaire(engineering degree personnel)-2016-4-22
Engineering Codes of Ethics : Analysis and Applications
Critical Attributes of Good Process Decisions: a Guide for Reflective Special Education Hearing Officers
Limitations Upon Legitimate Authority to Suspend and Expel K-12 Public School Students: A Moral Analysis
Moral Responsibility and Whistleblowing in the Nuclear Industry : Browns Ferry and Three Mile Island
Data Set from 2016 Survey of Chinese Engineers on Professional Ethics: Q24 Do you know the technical standards and code of conducts of your engineering society-2016-5-24
Engineering Ethics in                         China
Professionalism Among Chinese Engineers: An Empirical Study
