Search results

(4,281 - 4,300 of 4,803)


University Research and the Wages of Commerce.
The Usefulness of Moral Theory in Practical Ethics: A Question of Comparative Cost (A Response to Harris)
Doing the Minimum as an Alternative to Exercising Reasonable Care in a Professional Role
The Engineering Significance of Limit Analysis
Professional Responsibility for Harmful Actions
Professionalism Means Putting Your Profession First
Experimental Design and Analysis
Experimental Design and Analysis data files
Optimizing Cell-Free Protein Synthesis for Increased Yield and Activity of Colicins
Fostering personal finance engagement with a habit building app
Experimental Design and Analysis
Apartment Living at Technology Center
Controlling biofilms using synthetic biology approaches
Engineering Escherichia coli to produce and secrete colicins for rapid and selective biofilm cell killing
Editorial, "Cell-Free Synthetic Biology": Synthetic Biology Meets Cell-Free Protein Synthesis
Incorporation of non-standard amino acids into proteins: challenges, recent achievements, and emerging applications
Undecanoic Acid, Lauric Acid, and N-Tridecanoic Acid Inhibit Escherichia coli Persistence and Biofilm Formation
Abraham Lincoln School Art Classes leaflet, 1945-1946
