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eMotion creates and offers devices that connect those who are physically separated but emotionally connected in a simple and safe manner. Deliverables
IPRO / Interprofessional Projects Program
Emotion (Semester Unknown) IPRO 354: EmotionIPRO354ProjectPlanSp09
Illinois Institute of Technology
Roy, AveloSuda, EdwardSegre, AlessandroLuan, HaojieGraziano, JohnVotipka, DanielEstrada, ZacharyPatel, NiraliMorath, JohannesLaurence, AlexisLudden, ShanonHorn, Whitney
2009 2009-05
eMotion creates and offers devices that connect those who are physically separated but emotionally connected in a simple and safe manner.
Project deliverable
2009-05-01T00:00:00Z 2009-05-01T00:00:00Z
Open Access
In Copyright