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(21 - 40 of 1,651)


Benjamin de Brie Taylor, 1970s
Benjamin de Brie Taylor, 1970s
László Moholy-Nagy at the Institute of Design, Chicago, Illinois, 1944
Unbreakable wooden springs,  ca. 1942
Union Board, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, 1980s
Make a Connection: Library Services for International Students: Make_a_connection_internationalstudents
PA 508 Library Instruction
PA 508 Student Computer Usage Survey: PA 508 Student Survey
Franczyk, Brian, Oral History Interview, 2011
Porett, Thomas, Oral History, 2011
Lewis Institute interior, Chicago, Illinois, ca. 1937
Sommerisms from Richard Sessions
Newman, Marvin, Written History, 2011
Students in Hermann Hall auditorium, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, ca. 1960s
Marvin Camras, ca. 1950
Marvin Camras, ca. 1950s
