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(21 - 40 of 67)


Tahiti Hotel: Rooms overlooking the Pacifc
Tahiti Hotel: Full moon dance
Jardin du Luxembourg en Hiver
Sketchbook 4: Meetings 2001
Mermel House
Mermel House
Alternatives for Planning - Kenwood Oakland
San Bar house - East elevation
San Bar house - Plan
San Bar house - East elevation
Walton Carpets Exterior, ca. 1976
Uptown Theater District painting, 1997
Uptown Theater District painting, 1997
San Bar Beach - Cottage
Civic Stadium Portland Oregon…The Portland Rockies
They Play Baseball in Gardens Out Here…
'Madison Muskies……View From the Press Box'
Leon's Bar-B-Q
Walton Carpet Store - Floor Plan
'Chinatown'...The Gateway...
