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Our mission is to develop, test, and implement assistive technology with the community that promotes safety and improves independence of blind and visually impaired (BVI) swimmers. Deliverables
IPRO / Interprofessional Projects Program
BUOY (Semester Unknown) IPRO 310: BUOYIPRO310ProjectPlanF09_redacted
Illinois Institute of Technology
Dykeman, KimberlyHealton, MichaelaLipman, TimothyLudwig, RossPark, JayReilly, JeffreySarkar, SmitaSirk, PhillipToro, Branden
2009 2009-12
Our mission is to develop, test, and implement assistive technology with the community that promotes safety and improves independence of blind and visually impaired (BVI) swimmers.
Project deliverable
BUOYDevices that Assist Blind & Visually-Impaired Individuals in Swimming and Other Exercise Activities
2009-12-01T00:00:00Z 2009-12-01T00:00:00Z
Open Access
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