Application of Solar Thermal Heating Technologies in Large Scale Buildings in the Urban Environment (semester?), IPRO 328: Solar Thermal Tech for Large Bldgs IPRO 328 Abstract F04
To provide heating to the pool facility and surrounding spaces of Keating Sport Facility through the use of solar thermal collectors placed in the immediate area. • To discover which form or solar collector has the highest potential payback if used. • To discover if modification of the building... Show moreTo provide heating to the pool facility and surrounding spaces of Keating Sport Facility through the use of solar thermal collectors placed in the immediate area. • To discover which form or solar collector has the highest potential payback if used. • To discover if modification of the building envelop has a potential to reduce the energy load produced by Keating Sports Facility. • To study the possibilities of using sustainable system to provide for the cooling of Keating sports facility. • To study the impact of solar thermal Technologies can have on Chicago as a whole
Deliverables for IPRO 328: Application of Solar Thermal Heating Technologies in Large Scale Buildings in the Urban Environment for the Fall 2004 semester Show less
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Application of Solar Thermal Heating Technologies in Large Scale Buildings in the Urban Environment (semester?), IPRO 328 (4 objects)