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- Title
- Retrospective Quantitative T1 Imaging to Examine Characteristics of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions
- Creator
- Young, Griffin James
- Date
- 2024
- Description
Quantitative MRI plays an essential role in assessing tissue abnormality and diseaseprogression in multiple sclerosis (MS). Specifically, T1...
Show moreQuantitative MRI plays an essential role in assessing tissue abnormality and diseaseprogression in multiple sclerosis (MS). Specifically, T1 relaxometry is gaining popularity as elevated T1 values have been shown to correlate with increased inflammation, demyelination, and gliosis. The predominant issue is that relaxometry requires parametric mapping through advanced imaging techniques not commonly included in standard clinical protocols. This leaves an information gap in large clinical datasets from which quantitative mapping could have been performed. We introduce T1-REQUIRE, a retrospective T1 mapping method that approximates T1 values from a single T1-weighted MR image. This method has already been shown to be accurate within 10% of a clinically available reference standard in healthy controls but will be further validated in MS cohorts. We also further aim to determine T1-REQUIRE’s statistical significance as a unique biomarker for the assessment of MS lesions as they relate to clinical disability and disease burden. A 14-subject comparison between T1-REQUIRE maps derived from 3D T1 weighted turbo field echoes (3D T1w TFE) and an inversion-recovery fast field echo (IRFFE) revealed a whole-brain voxel-wise Pearson’s correlation of r = 0.89 (p < 0.001) and mean bias of 3.99%. In MS white matter lesions, r = 0.81, R2 = 0.65 (p < 0.001, N = 159), bias = 10.07%, and in normal appearing white matter (NAWM), r = 0.82, R 2 = 0.67 (p < 0.001), bias = 9.48%. Mean lesional T1-REQUIRE and MTR correlated significantly (r = -0.68, p < 0.001, N = 587) similar to previously published literature. Median lesional MTR correlated significantly with EDSS (rho = -0.34, p = 0.037), and lesional T1-REQUIRE exhibited xiii significant correlations with global brain tissue atrophy as measured by brain parenchymal fraction (BPF) (r = -0.41, p = 0.010, N = 38). Multivariate linear regressions between T1- REQUIRE NAWM provided meaningful statistical relationships with EDSS (β = 0.03, p = 0.027, N = 38), as well as did mean MTR values in the Thalamus (β = -0.27, p = 0.037, N = 38). A new spoiled gradient echo variation of T1-REQUIRE was assessed as a proof of concept in a small 5-subject MS cohort compared with IR-FFE T1 maps, with a whole brain voxel-wise correlation of r = 0.88, R2 = 0.77 (p < 0.001), and Bias = 0.19%. Lesional T1 comparisons reached a correlation of r = 0.75, R2 = 0.56 (p < 0.001, N = 42), and Bias = 10.81%. The significance of these findings means that there is the potential to provide supplementary quantitative information in clinical datasets where quantitative protocols were not implemented. Large MS data repositories previously only containing structural T1 weighted images now may be used in big data relaxometric studies with the potential to lead to new findings in newly uncovered datasets. Furthermore, T1-REQUIRE has the potential for immediate use in clinics where standard T1 mapping sequences aren’t able to be readily implemented.
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- Title
- Retrospective Quantitative T1 Imaging to Examine Characteristics of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions
- Creator
- Young, Griffin James
- Date
- 2024
- Description
Quantitative MRI plays an essential role in assessing tissue abnormality and diseaseprogression in multiple sclerosis (MS). Specifically, T1...
Show moreQuantitative MRI plays an essential role in assessing tissue abnormality and diseaseprogression in multiple sclerosis (MS). Specifically, T1 relaxometry is gaining popularity as elevated T1 values have been shown to correlate with increased inflammation, demyelination, and gliosis. The predominant issue is that relaxometry requires parametric mapping through advanced imaging techniques not commonly included in standard clinical protocols. This leaves an information gap in large clinical datasets from which quantitative mapping could have been performed. We introduce T1-REQUIRE, a retrospective T1 mapping method that approximates T1 values from a single T1-weighted MR image. This method has already been shown to be accurate within 10% of a clinically available reference standard in healthy controls but will be further validated in MS cohorts. We also further aim to determine T1-REQUIRE’s statistical significance as a unique biomarker for the assessment of MS lesions as they relate to clinical disability and disease burden. A 14-subject comparison between T1-REQUIRE maps derived from 3D T1 weighted turbo field echoes (3D T1w TFE) and an inversion-recovery fast field echo (IRFFE) revealed a whole-brain voxel-wise Pearson’s correlation of r = 0.89 (p < 0.001) and mean bias of 3.99%. In MS white matter lesions, r = 0.81, R2 = 0.65 (p < 0.001, N = 159), bias = 10.07%, and in normal appearing white matter (NAWM), r = 0.82, R 2 = 0.67 (p < 0.001), bias = 9.48%. Mean lesional T1-REQUIRE and MTR correlated significantly (r = -0.68, p < 0.001, N = 587) similar to previously published literature. Median lesional MTR correlated significantly with EDSS (rho = -0.34, p = 0.037), and lesional T1-REQUIRE exhibited xiii significant correlations with global brain tissue atrophy as measured by brain parenchymal fraction (BPF) (r = -0.41, p = 0.010, N = 38). Multivariate linear regressions between T1- REQUIRE NAWM provided meaningful statistical relationships with EDSS (β = 0.03, p = 0.027, N = 38), as well as did mean MTR values in the Thalamus (β = -0.27, p = 0.037, N = 38). A new spoiled gradient echo variation of T1-REQUIRE was assessed as a proof of concept in a small 5-subject MS cohort compared with IR-FFE T1 maps, with a whole brain voxel-wise correlation of r = 0.88, R2 = 0.77 (p < 0.001), and Bias = 0.19%. Lesional T1 comparisons reached a correlation of r = 0.75, R2 = 0.56 (p < 0.001, N = 42), and Bias = 10.81%. The significance of these findings means that there is the potential to provide supplementary quantitative information in clinical datasets where quantitative protocols were not implemented. Large MS data repositories previously only containing structural T1 weighted images now may be used in big data relaxometric studies with the potential to lead to new findings in newly uncovered datasets. Furthermore, T1-REQUIRE has the potential for immediate use in clinics where standard T1 mapping sequences aren’t able to be readily implemented.
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- Title
- Quantification of Imaging Markers at Different MRI Contrast Weightings, Vasculature, and Across Field Strengths
- Creator
- Nguyen, Vivian S.
- Date
- 2024
- Description
Quantitative MRI measures physical characteristics of tissue, which creates a set scale with units that allows longitudinal monitoring and...
Show moreQuantitative MRI measures physical characteristics of tissue, which creates a set scale with units that allows longitudinal monitoring and cross-patient and cross-center studies. It enables earlier detection of disease, complements biopsy, and provides a clear numeric scale for differentiation of disease states. However, quantitative MRI acquisitions and post-processing are not trivial, which makes it hard to implement the clinical setting. This along with the variability in clinically used acquisitions and post-processing techniques leads to difficulty in establishing reliable, consistent, and accurate quantitative information. There is a critical need for rigorous validation of quantitative imaging biomarkers, both for current and novel quantitative imaging techniques. This dissertation seeks to both validate current quantitative MR imaging techniques and develop new ones in the heart and brain by: 1) examining the data variability and the loss in tag fidelity that occurs when quantitative cardiac tagging is incorrectly run post-Gadolinium injection; 2) quantifying the negative impact of unexpected relaxometric behavior observed in low field MR imaging for low inversion times during T1 mapping; 3) validating retrospectively calculated T1 as a biomarker for Multiple Sclerosis progression; 4) and prototyping an oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) mapping technique for the purpose of stroke prediction and establishment of a numeric scale for tissue health for stroke patients.Assessment of pre-Gadolinium and post-Gadolinium cardiac tag quality showed that post-Gadolinium tags are less saturated (p = 0.012) and have a wider range of saturation, contrast, and sharpness. This results in a loss of information in the late cardiac cycle and impeding quantification of myocardial function.Investigation of 64mT T1 mapping revealed unique relaxometric behavior in that at low inversion times (<250 ms), the signal response curve displayed an increase in signal intensity or a plateau in signal intensity dependent on T1 relaxation time. Inclusion of this increase or plateau in signal intensity negatively impacted T1 fitting algorithms, leading to their failure or incorrectly calculated T1 values. The maximum peak signal intensity before the null point was found to be 210 ms, which impacts current low field T1 mapping protocols which use an initial inversion time of 80-110 ms.Validation of retrospectively calculated T1 as a biomarker in Multiple Sclerosis revealed that T1 of normal appearing brain tissue correlates with measures of Multiple Sclerosis progression (EDSS, BPF, and disease duration) with normal appearing white matter T1 correlating with BPF (r = -0.49, p = 0.0018); putamen T1 correlating with EDSS (r = 0.48, p = 2.40e-03), with BPF (r = 0.69, p = 2.04e-06), and disease duration (r = -0.37; p = 0.02); and globus pallidus T1 correlating with disease duration (r = -0.42; p = 0.0093). Lesion T1 is reflective of MS severity whereas MTR is not.Finally, development of an oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) mapping technique showed that application of independent component analysis (ICA) to cardiac gated spiral-trajectory phase images yielded components that feature stenosis features observed in magnitude images. These ICA components form the basis of OEF mapping from phase images. This dissertation presents four studies that seek to improve either current quantitative MR imaging protocols in the heart, or to develop and validate new quantitative MR imaging techniques in the brain for the purpose of monitoring disease progression or predicting disease.
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- Title
- Quantification of Imaging Markers at Different MRI Contrast Weightings, Vasculature, and Across Field Strengths
- Creator
- Nguyen, Vivian S.
- Date
- 2024
- Description
Quantitative MRI measures physical characteristics of tissue, which creates a set scale with units that allows longitudinal monitoring and...
Show moreQuantitative MRI measures physical characteristics of tissue, which creates a set scale with units that allows longitudinal monitoring and cross-patient and cross-center studies. It enables earlier detection of disease, complements biopsy, and provides a clear numeric scale for differentiation of disease states. However, quantitative MRI acquisitions and post-processing are not trivial, which makes it hard to implement the clinical setting. This along with the variability in clinically used acquisitions and post-processing techniques leads to difficulty in establishing reliable, consistent, and accurate quantitative information. There is a critical need for rigorous validation of quantitative imaging biomarkers, both for current and novel quantitative imaging techniques. This dissertation seeks to both validate current quantitative MR imaging techniques and develop new ones in the heart and brain by: 1) examining the data variability and the loss in tag fidelity that occurs when quantitative cardiac tagging is incorrectly run post-Gadolinium injection; 2) quantifying the negative impact of unexpected relaxometric behavior observed in low field MR imaging for low inversion times during T1 mapping; 3) validating retrospectively calculated T1 as a biomarker for Multiple Sclerosis progression; 4) and prototyping an oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) mapping technique for the purpose of stroke prediction and establishment of a numeric scale for tissue health for stroke patients.Assessment of pre-Gadolinium and post-Gadolinium cardiac tag quality showed that post-Gadolinium tags are less saturated (p = 0.012) and have a wider range of saturation, contrast, and sharpness. This results in a loss of information in the late cardiac cycle and impeding quantification of myocardial function.Investigation of 64mT T1 mapping revealed unique relaxometric behavior in that at low inversion times (<250 ms), the signal response curve displayed an increase in signal intensity or a plateau in signal intensity dependent on T1 relaxation time. Inclusion of this increase or plateau in signal intensity negatively impacted T1 fitting algorithms, leading to their failure or incorrectly calculated T1 values. The maximum peak signal intensity before the null point was found to be 210 ms, which impacts current low field T1 mapping protocols which use an initial inversion time of 80-110 ms.Validation of retrospectively calculated T1 as a biomarker in Multiple Sclerosis revealed that T1 of normal appearing brain tissue correlates with measures of Multiple Sclerosis progression (EDSS, BPF, and disease duration) with normal appearing white matter T1 correlating with BPF (r = -0.49, p = 0.0018); putamen T1 correlating with EDSS (r = 0.48, p = 2.40e-03), with BPF (r = 0.69, p = 2.04e-06), and disease duration (r = -0.37; p = 0.02); and globus pallidus T1 correlating with disease duration (r = -0.42; p = 0.0093). Lesion T1 is reflective of MS severity whereas MTR is not.Finally, development of an oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) mapping technique showed that application of independent component analysis (ICA) to cardiac gated spiral-trajectory phase images yielded components that feature stenosis features observed in magnitude images. These ICA components form the basis of OEF mapping from phase images. This dissertation presents four studies that seek to improve either current quantitative MR imaging protocols in the heart, or to develop and validate new quantitative MR imaging techniques in the brain for the purpose of monitoring disease progression or predicting disease.
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