Topic mining enables applications to recognize patterns and draw insights from text data, which can be used for applications such as sentiment... Show moreTopic mining enables applications to recognize patterns and draw insights from text data, which can be used for applications such as sentiment analysis, building of recommender systems and classifiers. The text data can be a set of documents or emails or product feedback and reviews. Each document is analysed using probabilistic models and statistical analysis to discover patterns that reflects underlying topics.TopicDP is a differentially private topic mining technique, which injects well-calibrated Gaussian noise into the matrix output of the topic mining model generated from LDA algorithm. This method ensures differential privacy and good utility of the topic mining model. We derive smooth sensitivity for the Gaussian mechanism via sensitivity sampling, which resses the major challenges of high sensitivity in case of topic mining for differential privacy. Furthermore, we theoretically prove the differential privacy guarantee and utility error bounds of TopicDP. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on two real-word text datasets (Enron email and Amazon Product Reviews), and the experimental results demonstrate that TopicDP can generate better privacy preserving performance for topic mining as compared against other state-of-the-art differential privacy mechanisms. Show less