Search results

(1 - 20 of 38)


Sustainable Theme Park and Museum
Oil Rig Eco Hotel: OilRigEcoHotel_Presentation
Rehabilitation of "Kumbharwada", Dharavi Slums, Mumbai
Remote Home: a handcrafted, component-based solution for southwest living
Evolution: A holistic rejuvenation and wellness center, Chicago: FINAL PRESENTATION_RTAKLE
FoodLab - A revitalization strategy for the Pari yard, Sao Paulo - Brazil
the evolution of the south fork turning basin: Grilli_Preliminary_Research
Marine Biology Research Center: 17x11- Master Project_NAP
FoodLab - A revitalization strategy for the Pari yard, Sao Paulo - Brazil: MariaGarese_MastersProject_FinalBoard_FoodLab
Sustainable Theme Park and Museum: Final Board
Museum of Architecture and Design
Evolution: A holistic rejuvenation and wellness center, Chicago: Graphic Argument
Transitional Refugee Community: Design Strategy for Dry/Arid Regions
Sustainable Theme Park and Museum: KFujishima_Final Book
Remote Home: a handcrafted, component-based solution for southwest living: cordell_masters_boards_2012
Marine Biology Research Center
the evolution of the south fork turning basin: Grilli_Board_Map
Evolution: A holistic rejuvenation and wellness center, Chicago
Cohousing Dallas
