Search results

(1 - 20 of 42)


Polarised Drell-Yan physics at COMPASS
Measurement of anisotropic radial flow rapidity
Diffractive cross sections implemented in PYTHIA8-MBR VS LHC results
Searching for W' bosons at LHC with single top production
Physics implications of correlation data from the RHIC and LHC heavy-ion programs
STAR Results from the RHIC Beam Energy Scan
Inclusive measurements at HERA from low to high x
Boosted heavy particles and jet substructure with the CMS detector
High-order cumulants from the 3D O(1) and O(4) spin models
Influence of the target on multiparticle production in the forward domain in p+Pb collisions at 158 GeV
The potential importance of low luminosity and high energy at the LHC
Minimum-bias angular and trigger-associated correlations from 200 GeV p-p collisions: jets, flows, centrality, and the underlying event
Particle production sources in heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC
Study of pp interactions at high multiplicity at U-70
Proton structure from multiparticle contribution to elastic pp-scattering at 7 TeV
Improved isolation of the p-p underlying event based on minimum-bias trigger-associated hadron correlations
HERAFitter - an open source QCD fit framework
Collective dynamics of the p-Pb collisions at the LHC
Recent Results from RHIC
BSM searches in multi-objects final states in ATLAS
