Search results

(9,561 - 9,580 of 9,667)


Effect of Stress Triaxiality and Lode Angle on Ductile Fracture
Capital Design: The Role of Design in Institutional Capital Allocation
Ground Monitors to Support Navigation Operations of ARAIM and GBAS
Quantification of Imaging Markers at Different MRI Contrast Weightings, Vasculature, and Across Field Strengths
Exploring the role of perceived trustworthiness on leader humility's effectiveness
Evaluation of the Native Microbiota and Comparative Analysis of a Known Cronobacter Sakazakii and a Newly Isolated Bacillus Cereus Strain in Powdered Infant Formula
Characterization of Novel Concrete Formulations: High-Volume Fly Ash for Precast Industry Use and Non-Proprietary UHPC
Ultrasound Image Guided Robot Arm for Targeted Delivery of Therapeutic Drugs and MicroRNA for Cancer Therapy
Interiors 1 [belly of tube intersecting ceiling]
Tube 6 [with El tracks]
Founders' Wall 2 [icons]
Founders' Wall 3 - [faces of (l-r): Frank Gunsaulus, Allen Lewis, Robert Pritzker, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe]
Rem Mies [Commons seen from inside MTCC]
Hallway [northeast corridor]
Interiors 2 [integrated ramp/staircase]
Interiors 3 [food court looking east]
Computer Hall
Mies Door 1
Tube 2 - Chicago skyline in background
Tube 5 [El train speeding through tube]
