Search results

(61 - 80 of 148)


Rob Lach - Oral History: recorder audio
Interview with Terry Minnich and Jeff Lee
Rob Lach - Oral History
Hashtag data from "Agenda Building & Indexing: Does the U.S. Congress Direct New York Times Content through Twitter?"
Data from Tweet Acts: How Constituents Lobby Congress via Twitter
Interview with Chaz Evans: R05_0004
Interview with Larry Wilson: Transcription
Interview with Larry Wilson: R05_0006
Interview with Larry Wilson: R05_0006
Interview with Larry Wilson
Interview with Larry Wilson
Interview with Josh Tsui: Tsui Interview Full
Interview with Rich Huff: unedited_Rich_Huff
Interview with Josh Tsui: 1_Tsui Transcription
Interview with Josh Tsui: Tsui Transcription
Interview with Josh Tsui
Interview with Rich Huff: Transcription_Rich_Huff
Interview with Rich Huff
Interview with Jim Zespy: raw interview Zespy 11-21-14
Interview with Whitney Roberts: Interview
