Search results

(41 - 60 of 157)


Electrification work of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway from Harlowtown, Montana to Avery, Idaho
Forces set up in a conductor by a current pinch effect
Design and experimental study of a capillary electrometer
A design for the Hocking Valley power project
Industrial illumination
Indirect illumination with nitrogen-filled lamps
Lightning arresters and schemes for testing
Hydro-electric development on the Snake River at Oxen Bend, Oregon
Hydro-electric power station design
The methods used by public utility commissions in arriving at the proper depreciation and valuation of electric light, power, and railway companies and their effect on rate regulation
Investigation of high-tension switching equipments
Investigation of the mercury arc rectifier by means of the oscillograph
An investigation of the effects of iron conduits on line drop
Investigation of the properties of chilled cast iron as a material for permanent magnets
Measurement of capacity in transmission lines and cables
Investigation of an air cooling process for static transformers
Heat resistance of inner arc lamp globes
The Morkrum system of printing telegraphy
Power consumption of machine tools
Rehabilitation of the municipal electric lighting system at Downers Grove, Ill.
