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- Title
- Creator
- Wang, Mingyu
- Date
- 2021
- Description
PM2.5 are fine inhalable particles that are 2.5 micrometers or smaller in size. Indoor PM2.5 consists of outdoor PM2.5 (ambient PM2.5) that is...
Show morePM2.5 are fine inhalable particles that are 2.5 micrometers or smaller in size. Indoor PM2.5 consists of outdoor PM2.5 (ambient PM2.5) that is infiltrated into the indoor environment and indoor generated PM2.5 (non-ambient PM2.5). As people spend nearly 90% of their lifetimes indoors, with most of that time in their homes, PM2.5 exposure in homes results in severe health effects such as asthma. One strategy increasingly being used to dilute air pollutants generated indoors and improve indoor air quality (IAQ) in homes is the introduction of mechanical ventilation systems. However, mechanical ventilation systems also have the potential to introduce more ambient PM2.5 than relying on infiltration alone, although limited data exist to demonstrate the magnitude of impacts in occupied homes. The objective of this paper is to estimate the infiltration factor (Finf) of PM2.5 before and after installing mechanical ventilation systems in a subset of occupied homes. The data source utilized comes from the Breathe Easy Project, a more than 2-year-long study conducted in 40 existing homes in Chicago, IL aiming to explore the effects of three different types of mechanical ventilation system retrofits on IAQ and asthma. An automated algorithm was developed to remove indoor PM2.5 peaks in time-series data collected from optical particle counters deployed inside and outside of each home. The Finf was estimated using the resulting indoor/outdoor ratio with indoor peaks removed. Before mechanical ventilation retrofits, the weekly median Finf was 0.29 (summer median = 0.41, fall median = 0.26, winter median = 0.29, spring median = 0.30); after mechanical ventilation retrofits, the median Finf was 0.34 (winter median= 0.28, spring median = 0.45, summer median = 0.54, fall median = 0.20). Differences in Finf between pre- and post-intervention periods were not statistically significant (p = 0.23 from Wilcoxon signed rank tests). The median PM2.5 infiltration factor increased ~22% (from 0.27 to 0.33) with the installation of balanced ventilation systems with energy recovery ventilators (ERV), although differences were not statistically significant (Wilcoxon signed rank p = 0.35). The median PM2.5 infiltration factor decreased ~4% (from 0.28 to 0.27) after installing intermittent CFIS systems, which intermittently supply ventilation air through the existing central air handling units and associated filters (which were upgraded to a minimum of MERV 10 in all CFIS homes), although differences were not statistically significant (Wilcoxon signed rank p = 0.24). The median PM2.5 infiltration factor increased ~26% (from 0.35 to 0.44) with the installation of continuous exhaust-only systems, and differences were significant (Wilcoxon signed rank p = 0.04). These results suggest that the filtration mechanisms used on the CFIS and balanced systems were adequate for maintaining similar distributions of Finf values pre- and post-interventions whereas the increased delivery of outdoor air via the building envelope by exhaust-only systems significantly increased Finf following retrofits.
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- Title
- Automated Successive Baseline Schedule Model
- Creator
- Patel, Mihir Prakashbhai
- Date
- 2021
- Description
The construction project involves many stakeholders and diverse phases. Usually, a construction schedule is initially set up as a simple ideal...
Show moreThe construction project involves many stakeholders and diverse phases. Usually, a construction schedule is initially set up as a simple ideal case scenario, but then, during construction, the project faces modifications such as delay, acceleration, and change in logic caused by the project’s complexity and inherent risk. To recover the damage(s) caused by these modifications, the parties responsible for them should be identified accurately. Researchers and practitioners developed and used various delay analysis models to quantify delays, but the selection of the model depends on the time of analysis, available information, and expertise of the analyst. So, the results can be biased. The general problem is that most delay analysis models consider only delays in quantifying impacts rather than every type of modification that impacted the project, including CPM logic changes and adding/removing activities during construction. This study proposes a new successive baseline model to enable the precise analysis of the impacts of all sorts of modifications that occur during construction. This model can achieve unbiased and accurate results. The analysis process can also be computerized into a web application to improve efficiency and productivity. The fundamental concepts of the various modifications that can occur in the work schedule during construction and the analysis of the modifications’ impacts are presented in this study. Issues related to concurrency, float ownership, type of modification, selection of delay analysis model, and challenges with automation are also highlighted to broaden the understanding disagreements of the parties to a construction contract. A case example is presented to prove the accuracy and usefulness of the proposed model and web application.
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- Title
- Creator
- Zhao, Yu
- Date
- 2021
- Description
In recent years, bike as a travel mode is getting increasingly popular among large cities in the U.S. These cities also found promoting bike...
Show moreIn recent years, bike as a travel mode is getting increasingly popular among large cities in the U.S. These cities also found promoting bike mode can potentially mitigate traffic congestion issues, reduce carbon emission and improve the quality of life for residents. Therefore, many cities-initiated bike-related programs promote the bike mode from all aspects, such as establishing a shared bike system and developing bike-related facilities. Specifically, bike lane installation is widely seen in large cities as a pivot component of bike promotion programs. Due to the installation of bike lanes on the existing network, vehicles’ safety and mobility performance may be affected due to the variation of facilities. This study attempts to propose a methodology to quantify the safety and mobility impacts on vehicles brought by bike lane installation. The proposed method accounts for safety impact by using predicted crashes in conjunction with field observed crash data for empirical Bayes (EB) before-after comparison group analysis. The mobility impact is captured by comparing the segment average travel time before and after the bike lane installation. Further, vehicle volume information is involved in the consumer surplus computation to quantify the variation in vehicle safety, and mobility performance resulting from the bike lane installation. A case study is conducted using a real data set from the city of Chicago bike lane program. The results reveal that the safety and mobility impacts vary mainly depending on the type of bike lane installed and location.
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- Title
- Creator
- Bradley, Christopher
- Date
- 2021
- Description
Indoor air exchange rates are commonly used to assess the overall fitness of a building and assess its performance. More recently, air...
Show moreIndoor air exchange rates are commonly used to assess the overall fitness of a building and assess its performance. More recently, air exchange has become a concern due to the COVD-19 pandemic, requiring replacement air to ensure safety; especially so considering that humans spend much of their time indoors. Building science has focused on air exchange to quantify needs for thermal loads, balancing the overall tightness of a building with the amount of energy consumed. Moreover, guidelines have been created by several different organizations to maintain adequate ventilation to remove indoor air pollution, replacing it with clean outdoor air. Research focuses on how to maintain a comfortable and safe quality of indoor air while balancing the needs of the energy crisis.When installed with proper HVAC systems, air exchange rates can be set to a recommended value based upon the conditions of the environment. Buildings without mechanical ventilation face another issue, mainly that they only rely on natural ventilation and the infiltration rate. Temperature differences between the indoor and outdoor environment and the condition of wind speed and direction create pressure differences across the building envelope, influencing the infiltration rate, which can change the amount of air exchange in buildings with natural or mechanical ventilation. Currently, air exchange rates are commonly measured using tracer gases. More frequently used gases have included perfluorocarbon, sulfur hexafluoride, and carbon dioxide, though none of these have proven to be ideal tracers. Alongside this, cost and burden on the participants of these studies often limit the amount of measurements made. Numerous studies have been conducted on how to model the air exchange rate by the changes in concentrations, but accuracy depends on the amount of information available. Other attempts have been made to characterize buildings by their infiltration rate to make estimations, but other questions have arisen about the accuracy of these methods. Due to their ubiquity in indoor environments, volatile organic compounds have been suggested as a plausible tracer gas for measuring air exchange rates. The plausibility of this method raises questions, such as their behavior within the indoor environment, their ability to be measured and the cost to measure concentrations, and the analytical requirements to characterize the rates of removal as air exchange rates. However, due to the rapid increase of available technology in low cost, lightweight, high-resolution sensors, this novel method of using VOCs, especially indicators of total VOCs (TVOCs), may prove fruitful in measuring air exchange within specific microenvironments. Analysis of time-series TVOC concentration measurements taken from a study conducted in multiple residences was conducted to investigate the feasibility of using these measurements, and especially naturally occurring elevation and decay periods, as a proxy for calculating air exchange rates. Though the removal rates of these compounds fell within the range of typical air exchange rates for residential spaces, the results of this analysis suggest the method has potential but with limitations, including the unknown behavior of the individual compounds comprising TVOC measurements within the space, proximity and mixing effects, and potentially invalid comparisons to air exchange rates given from a LBLX model rather than simultaneous tracer gas tests. Future work should explore simultaneous use of TVOC measurements alongside conventional tracer gas testing to further explore the potential utility of such methods.
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- Title
- Evaluating the Impact of Residential Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation and Filtration Interventions on Adult Asthma-Related Health Outcomes in Chicago, IL
- Creator
- Kang, Insung
- Date
- 2022
- Description
Human exposure to a variety of airborne pollutants is associated with various adverse health effects, ranging from respiratory symptoms to...
Show moreHuman exposure to a variety of airborne pollutants is associated with various adverse health effects, ranging from respiratory symptoms to exacerbation of chronic diseases to cardiovascular disease and cancer. While most of our knowledge of the adverse impacts of air pollution comes from studies utilizing outdoor air pollutants as surrogates for exposure, people spend most of their time indoors, especially at home, where pollutant concentrations are often higher than outdoors. And within homes, mechanical ventilation systems and filtration are increasingly recommended to provide fresh air for ventilation and dilute indoor pollutant sources. There are a variety of ventilation system types that can be used for home retrofits; however, there is limited information on how they affect indoor air quality (IAQ) from both indoor and outdoor sources and how they influence occupant health and well-being. Therefore, to fill some of these knowledge gaps, this research aims to evaluate the effects of indoor air quality broadly, as well as interventions with three common types of residential mechanical ventilation system retrofits (i.e., continuous exhaust-only, intermittent fan-integrated supply, and continuous balanced systems with energy recovery ventilators), on asthma-related health outcomes in a cohort of adults in Chicago, IL. The key findings of this dissertation indicate that exposures to indoor NO2 and PM, higher indoor temperature, and mold/dampness were associated with poorer asthma control. The home ventilation and air filtration interventions, regardless of ventilation system type, significantly improved asthma control of the study population (~4% increase in ACT score; p < 0.001), and led to reductions in indoor concentrations of formaldehyde (HCHO) (-19.5 ppb; -63%; p < 0.001), carbon dioxide (CO2) (-120 ppm; -15%; p < 0.001), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) (-1.8 ppb; -3%; p = 0.035), and particulate matter (PM), including PM1 (-4.9 µg/m3; -43%; p = 0.001), PM2.5 (-4.9 µg/m3; -39%; p = 0.003), and PM10 (-6.2 µg/m3; -41%; p = 0.003). Additionally, asthma control was significantly improved in all subgroups: participants who received both ventilation and filtration interventions (~6% increase in ACT score; p < 0.001); continuous exhaust-only systems (~3% increase in ACT score; p = 0.033); intermittent central-fan-integrated-supply (CFIS) systems (~3% increase in ACT score; p = 0.018); and continuous balanced systems with an energy recovery ventilator (ERV) (~7% increase in ACT score; p < 0.001). Indoor CO2 concentrations were significantly reduced in homes with continuous ventilation systems, including exhaust-only (-165 ppm, -20%; p = 0.005) and balanced ERV systems (-186 ppm, -23%; p = 0.004), while indoor particulate matter (PM1, PM2.5, and PM10) concentrations were significantly reduced in homes with ventilation systems with filtration upgrades, including CFIS (PM1: -5.3 µg/m3, -46%; PM2.5: -5.0 µg/m3, -39%; and PM10: -6.2 µg/m3, -41%; all p < 0.05) and balanced ERV systems (PM1: -7.5 µg/m3, -59%; PM2.5: -8.3 µg/m3, -58%; and PM10: -10.4 µg/m3, -61%; all p < 0.05). Last, results of a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of the three types of mechanical ventilation systems over an assumed 10-year life span, which predicted impacts on mortality and asthma outcomes based on measured impacts on two indoor pollutants – PM2.5 and NO2 – relative to initial and operational costs, as well as filtration upgrade costs, suggest that the intermittent CFIS system with improved MERV 10 filtration was the most beneficial approach, with the central benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of 6.0, followed by the continuous balanced ERV system (central BCR = 3.7) and exhaust-only system (central BCR = 3.2). This dissertation provides the first known empirical data in the U.S. on asthma outcomes associated with different types of mechanical ventilation systems that have highly varying impacts on indoor pollutant concentrations of both indoor and outdoor origin and environmental conditions. Results are also expected to provide much-needed guidance to homeowners, contractors, builders, and agencies on the advantages and disadvantages of different types of residential mechanical ventilation systems.
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- Title
- Creator
- Barnett, Ralph L.
- Date
- 2021
- Description
My adventures with flexible structures began on the IIT campus with an extracurricular undergraduate project to design an “Open House Exhibit”...
Show moreMy adventures with flexible structures began on the IIT campus with an extracurricular undergraduate project to design an “Open House Exhibit” for the Civil Engineering Department. I chose to display a reinforced concrete diving board together with a prestressed concrete diving board. Visitors enthusiastically pounced on the reinforced concrete structure whose rigid response disappointed one and all. Their indignation was transferred to the prestressed cantilever which thrust them upward from six to ten feet into the air. This unexpected response from a diving board became so dangerous that the Exhibit was unceremoniously closed. I still have the display sign, “More Bounce to the Ounce.”While still an undergraduate, I secured a part-time job at Armour Research Foundation where I responded to a bid request from Rock Island Arsenal to design the 26 foot Honest John Rocket Launcher Rail at minimum weight. This tactical weapon was transported by helicopter. I basked in the fantasy that I was Leonardo da Vinci without his artistic proclivity. Rocket launchers that droop during operation are similar in concept to a circular firing squad. So began my research into minimum weight beams based on deflection rather than strength. I searched for the shoulders of Giants. I found them in the form of mathematicians not structural engineers. I achieved a 26.5% weight savings in the 1126 pound rail by optimizing the geometry. When I developed an optimum prestressed and segmented Kentanium cermet rail, the weight savings became 89%. The right material provides a bigger bang for the buck. When my journey into optimum design began, I was armed only with analysis tools: strength, stability, and stiffness. This thesis begins with an outline of my present toolbox which contains eight design concepts: 1. Establish the Geometry, 2. Select a material from a finite number of candidates, 3. Prestress and Prestrain, 4. Statistical Screening (Proof Testing), 5. Manipulation of Boundary Conditions, 6. Energized Systems, 7. Counterweights, 8. Self-Healing and Self-Reinforcing. Four of these are used through this review which focuses on stiffness. Beginning with beams, deflection control examples are described where prestraining and prestressing techniques are used to produce both a zero-deflection beam and a method for pushing with a chain. The calculus of variations made it possible to establish optimum tapers for the flanges and webs of I-beams that minimize beam weight for a specified deflection or, because of reciprocity, minimize beam deflection for a specified beam weight. An anomaly is encountered that enables one to achieve an upward, downward, or zero deflection with a set of beams of vanishing weight. In addition, special circumstances are defined where a uniform strength design is identical to the minimum weight design based on a specific deflection. Closed form solutions are obtained for a variety of loading scenarios. One problem is presented for self-weight that leads to a nonlinear integral equation. The optimum stiffness-weight design of trusses is undertaken where the area distribution of the truss members is optimized using Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers. Once again, we obtain a degenerate case where upward, downward, and zero deflection conditions can be met with an infinite set of trusses of vanishing weight. We photograph a simply supported truss under a downward load that leads to an upward deflection at one of the joints. Special loading conditions are identified that lead to uniform stress designs that are identical to the minimum weight designs based on deflections. This study provides a Segway into the world of minimum weight strength design of trusses. The resulting Maxwell and Michell trusses sometimes display the optimum distribution of bar areas from the point of view of stiffness. Many practitioners are under the mistaken impression that Michell structures, when they exist, provide the optimum truss profile for stiffness. Unfortunately, the optimum array of truss joints based on deflection does not exist. For both trusses and beams the optimum distribution of mass is shown to be necessary and sufficient; the sufficiency is established using well-known inequalities. The role of stiffness in the design of columns is explored in our final chapter. This cringe-worthy history of column analysis begins our study as a warning to practitioners who use analysis as their basis for design and especially optimum design. Conventional elastic and inelastic buckling theories provide little insight into the design of columns. The fundamentals of minimum weight column design are presented to show the power of design theory in contrast to analysis. Both prismatic and tapered columns are studied with one surprise result; the optimum taper gives rise to a uniform bending stress (without axial stresses). It was fun to see that in 1733 Lagrange made a mistake in calculus of variations that led to the incorrect solution for the optimum tapered column. It took 78 years before Clausen obtained the correct solution. The problem has been revisited by William Prager and again by the author who used dynamic programming. Of course, we all got the same result which is a dreadful solid circular tapered column that is heavier than any ordinary waterpipe. The best of a class is not necessarily the best possible design. Under the heading, “Intuition is a good servant but a bad master,” we introduce the notions of tension members that buckle, columns constructed from spherical beads, optimum rigging of crane booms, and deflection reversal of beam-columns. In several places we observe that the weight of optimum columns is proportional to P^α where P is the axial load and α is less than unity. We fail to tell the reader that this implies that minimum weight columns require putting all your eggs in one basket; one column under load P is lighter than two columns each under load P/2. On the other hand, we expose the solid circular column as the least efficient shape among all regular polygons, the equilateral triangle is the best. Indeed, there is a family of rectangles that are superior to the circular cross-section. Finally, the author’s prestressed tubular column is introduced that is pressurized to eliminate local buckling. Euler’s buckling can always be eliminated with a thin-wall section of sufficient width without a weight penalty. The weight of the balloon-like member is proportional to (PL) which implies that at last we have a compressive member that meets the requirement of a Michell structure. Bundling of pressurized gas columns are possible without a weight penalty. Further, the column is insensitive to most imperfections. It is the lightest known column for small structural indices (P/L^2 ). When coupled with circulating cryogenic liquid as a prestressing system, a limiting column has a vanishing weight.
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- Title
- Influence Of Internal Factors In Construction Organizations On The Implementation Of Integrated Project Delivery Viewed From The Organizational Change Theory
- Creator
- Rashed, Ahmed
- Date
- 2022
- Description
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is an emerging construction project delivery system that is collaborative oriented. It involves the critical...
Show moreIntegrated Project Delivery (IPD) is an emerging construction project delivery system that is collaborative oriented. It involves the critical participants in an early stage of the project timeline. Recently, IPD is becoming increasingly common. Many organizations are interested in contributing to the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. No research studies have previously observed and studied the effect of IPD implementation through an organizational change theory lens. The presented research work was designed to explore the role of organizational factors in the implementing first domain, reflecting the organizational level factors, including cultural and economic considerations. In contrast, the second domain focuses on member-level factors, i.e., employee involvement and readiness to change. Together, these domains influence the organization’s intention and adoption to change toward the IPD as a project delivery system. This impact is viewed through the lens of the OCT based on the contributions and theories discussed by various researchers. These researchers are from a variety of disciplines. A data collection survey was developed to gather quantitative data from the industry. Data was collected from N=128 employees from the construction industry. Data analysis was performed through Structure Equation Modeling using Smart PLS 3. Results showed that communication, integration significantly associated IPD implementation. Moreover, involvement and readiness change also positively predicted the implementation of IPD. The empirical result of current study validates all the constructs of the hypothetical model except reward system.
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- Title
- The Impact of Supplementary Cementitious Materials on Strength Development in Concrete
- Creator
- Lallas, Zoe Nicole
- Date
- 2022
- Description
This thesis outlines the specific properties of fly ash, silica fume, slag, and a variety of natural pozzolans that affect strength...
Show moreThis thesis outlines the specific properties of fly ash, silica fume, slag, and a variety of natural pozzolans that affect strength development in concrete mix designs. It presents a comprehensive summary of select research studies which examined the fresh and hardened properties of concrete made with supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) to better understand how these materials affect compressive strength development in concrete. The considerations necessary for precast fabrication and other applications in which early-age strength is a crucial concern are of particular importance, as SCMs often slow the rate of strength development in concrete. While SCM usage is common in concrete, replacement quantities are limited and heavily regulated, with the potential for further incorporation into concrete in higher replacement amounts, given continued research on how to best integrate SCMs to maximize strength properties, through the use of chemical admixtures, accelerators, and heat controlled curing regimes as needed.
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- Title
- Creator
- Manwatkar, Prashik
- Date
- 2022
- Description
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) are two important organic chemicals of the per- and polyfuoroalkyl...
Show morePerfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) are two important organic chemicals of the per- and polyfuoroalkyl substances (PFAS) group that have contaminated land, water, and the air since 1950. The continuous release of PFAS from the surface of land into water is not easy to forecast and an appropriate treatment method needs to be economically viable since there are currently around 42,000 suspect industrial and municipal sites in the United States. For a true reproduction of real-world pollution patterns, we constructed polypropylene tanks, performed laboratory-based experiments, and analyzed the samples using EPA method 533. In this study, we examined the fate and transport of long- and short-chain PFAS, including PFOA, PFOS, and perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS), from sediments, adsorbent media, and sands under overlaying water tanks. Granular activated carbon (GAC), biochar (BC), and Fluorosorb® (FS) were also added between the contaminated sediments and the sand layer in order to observe capping effectiveness. As one of the best ways to treat contaminated sediments on a large scale, adsorbent beds may reduce contaminants migration and support the degradation of contaminants. We found that all three chemicals were able to pass through the adsorbent layers of 3-4 inches from 4-5 inches of contaminated sediments and reach the top surface of the beds (25-30 inches). In the top 5-7 inches, PFBS concentration varied from 0.28 ppb to 0.78 ppb for all adsorbent tanks for 7 days. Whereas the bottom contaminated sediments concentrations of PFBS were 8518 ppb to 9481 ppb. We also observed the concentrations at top ports increased by 0.59 ppb to 2.31 ppb in 21 days, and ultimately, 0.58 ppb to 7.07 ppb in 69 days. While PFOA and PFOS found different metabolites in all layers, they provided noticeably lesser concentrations in contaminated sediments compared to PFBS. Further, the results of this study can be useful for validating the contaminant transport model predictions by identifying linear or nonlinear sorption equilibrium processes and diffusion-dispersion processes in sediment, sand, and various adsorbent media.
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- Title
- Developing Novel Optimization Algorithms Applied To Building Energy Performance and Indoor Air Quality
- Creator
- Faramarzi, Afshin
- Date
- 2021
- Description
Residential and commercial buildings account for 23% of global energy use. In the United States, space heating, cooling, and lighting energy...
Show moreResidential and commercial buildings account for 23% of global energy use. In the United States, space heating, cooling, and lighting energy use accounts for 38%, 9%, and 7% of building energy consumption, which results in 54% of the total energy consumption of the building. Energy efficiency improvements in buildings require consideration of optimal design, operation, and control of building components (e.g., mechanical and envelope systems). We can address this task by taking advantage of computational optimization methods throughout the design, operation, and control processes.Non-gradient metaheuristic optimization methods known as metaheuristics are some of the most popular and widely used optimization methods in Building Performance Optimization (BPO) problems. Conventional metaheuristics usually have simple mathematical models with low rate of convergence. On the other hand, high-performance metaheuristic optimizers are efficient and usually have a fast rate of convergence, but their mathematical models are hard to understand and implement. As such, researchers are usually not inclined to employ them in solving their problems. To this end, we aimed at developing optimization algorithms which borrow simplicity from conventional methods and efficiency from high-performance optimizers to solve problems fast and efficiently while being welcomed by users from throughout the world. Therefore, the overarching objective of this work is defined to first develop novel optimization algorithms which are simple in mathematical models and still efficient in solving optimization benchmark problems and then apply the methods to building energy performance and indoor air quality (IAQ) problems. In the first objective of this work, which is the development phase, two continuous optimization methods and one binary optimizer are developed and are separately described in three different tasks. The first method called Equilibrium Optimizer (EO) is a simple method inspired by the mass balance equation in a control volume. The second optimization method called Marine Predators Algorithm (MPA) is a more complicated method compared to EO and is inspired by widespread foraging strategies between marine predators in the ocean ecosystem. Finally, the third method is the binary version of an already developed equilibrium optimizer called Binary Equilibrium Optimizer (BEO). The second objective of the dissertation is the application phase which focuses on the application of the developed methods and other widely used methods in research and industry for solving the almost new BPO and IAQ problems. The results showed that the developed methods were able to either reach more energy-efficient solutions compared to the other methods or to show a considerably faster rate of convergence compared to other methods in the problems in which the optimal solutions are similarly obtained by different methods.
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- Title
- Fatigue Life Prediction for Structures with Interval Uncertainty
- Creator
- Desch, Michael R.
- Date
- 2022
- Description
A new method for reliable fatigue life prediction in metal structural components is developed where uncertainties are quantified using...
Show moreA new method for reliable fatigue life prediction in metal structural components is developed where uncertainties are quantified using interval variables. Using this crack-initiation-based method, first, the uncertainties in laboratory test data for the fatigue failure of a structural detail are enumerated. This uncertainty quantification is performed through an interval-based enveloping procedure that relates the interval stress ranges to the number of cycles to failure, leading to the construction of an interval S-N relationship. Next, the uncertainties in field test data are enumerated in the extremum values of each stress range, as intervals, leading to the construction of interval stress ranges. For both the laboratory and field data uncertainty analyses, the mean stress effects are considered. Next, the interval damage accumulated over the duration of the field data is determined using the constructed interval S-N relationship and the obtained interval stress ranges. Then, the interval existing damage and interval remaining life are determined. Finally, as a conservative measure, the minimum remaining fatigue life is obtained in which all uncertainties are considered. Three numerical examples illustrating the developed method are presented, and the results are compared with results obtained by both Monte Carlo simulation and optimization. Using this method, for the numerical examples considered, it is shown that the results for bounds on the existing damage and the remaining fatigue life are sharp. Moreover, due to its set-based approach, the method is significantly more computationally efficient when compared with iterative procedures.
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- Title
- Creator
- Truong, Tung Quoc
- Date
- 2022
- Description
Transportation agencies in the United States nowadays rely on tax dollars for maintaining surface transportation infrastructure, which mainly...
Show moreTransportation agencies in the United States nowadays rely on tax dollars for maintaining surface transportation infrastructure, which mainly comes from fuel tax. However, travel behaviors are changing every day. People and businesses demand better and safer roads. Yet, consumers travel in more fuel-efficient vehicles and buy less gas, which means less revenue for fixing aging roads and highways. Meanwhile, new construction and repair costs increase for our overburdened transportation systems. Transportation agencies, therefore, must use their limited funding more wisely to optimize the service performance and minimize risks (Li, 2018). The budget allocation problem in transportation is not an easy task. The consequences of an ineffective decision in allocating resources are multi-facet both in the short- and long-term, including degrading in the condition of transportation facilities, losing public trust, and increasing backlogs in maintenance and repair. Therefore, transportation agencies are seeking more robust and comprehensive data-driven strategies that take into account of agency’s strategic goals and regulatory requirements, user expectations, nature of the asset, availability of resources, and lifecycle cost analysis in determining the optimal allocation of resources and making the best use of available funds (Li and Sinha, 2004; Sinha and Labi, 2007). The proposed research aims to utilize the concept of multicriteria decision making coupled with a holistic asset management framework to support performance-based allocations of transportation budgets and help transportation agencies achieve the future vision of the nation’s strategic planning requirements to enable sustainable management of the system. A computational study for the real-world dataset obtained by a state Department of Transportation (DOT) is conducted using the proposed budget allocation method. The results from the computational study reveal that the proposed method can derive optimal decision solutions for transportation budget allocation problems and can be utilized by transportation agencies on different scales – urban and rural, in other sectors – public and private, to effectively manage the transportation infrastructure sustainably, by effectively spending transportation budget to maximize service performance and minimize operating costs.
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- Title
- Creator
- Yang, Juneseok
- Date
- 2022
- Description
The goal of this study is to establish an objective, user-friendly, and reliable decision support system, called delay analysis selection and...
Show moreThe goal of this study is to establish an objective, user-friendly, and reliable decision support system, called delay analysis selection and implementation system (DASIS), which allows delay analysts and practitioners in the construction industry to select a type of delay analysis that is most appropriate for given conditions and to perform the selected type of delay analysis. DASIS integrates a delay analysis selection system (DASS) module and an implementation module (DAIS) that performs the type of delay analysis selected by DASS in construction projects.The model that operates the DASS module consists of (1) four different delay analysis approaches currently available to practitioners; (2) a set of 26 attributes that affect the selection of a type of delay analysis; (3) a case-base involving 3,776 cases described by these 26 attributes and their corresponding output values (i.e., the most appropriate delay analysis approach); (4) a set of 7 categories consisting of subsets of attributes; (5) the weights of the attributes and the categories; and (6) a spreadsheet designed in Microsoft Excel that performs the calculations involved in case-based similarity assessment. The implementation module is a computerized analytics and automation platform that performs the type of delay analysis selected by DASS. In developing the DASS module, 26 attributes that influence the selection of the most appropriate type of delay analysis were identified based on a thorough literature review and were organized in seven categories. These attributes were used to evaluate the four types of delay analysis (i.e., static, dynamic, additive, and subtractive analyses). Based on the results of this evaluation, a case-base of 3,776 cases was generated while considering the constraints of each category. The weights of the attributes and categories were determined by using several methods. To determine the best-fit between a target case (defined by its 26 attributes) and the 3,776 cases stored in the case-base were used to perform a case-based similarity assessment to calculate weighted case similarity scores, and to find the best-informed solution to the delay analysis type selection problem. In developing the DAIS module, the four types of delay analysis were coded in Microsoft Excel using macros programmed in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). This automated tool performs the selected delay analysis by DASS. The fully integrated DASIS model finds the best-fit match between a target case and cases stored in the case-base by means of similarity assessment methods by using weighted case similarity scores, hence identifying the most appropriate type of delay analysis for use in the target case, performs the selected type of delay analysis and generates a report about the results of the delay analysis to the analyst instantaneously, allowing the contractual parties to settle the issues quickly. This study is the first attempt to establish an objective decision support system (DASS) to assist delay analysts by automating the selection of a type of delay analysis using combinations of well recognized and reliable attributes and similarity assessment techniques. In addition, DASS is immediately followed by DAIS in an integrated system (DASIS) that does not only do the selection of the most appropriate type of delay analysis, but that also implements the selected delay analysis, hence providing ease of use and high speed. A case study based on fictitious scenarios is presented to demonstrate and validate the research approach. The use of the entropy weight method to calculate the weights of the attributes can be considered a minor limitation of the study. Finally, DASIS can be reformulated as a web-based application that allows analysts to work online using ordinary browsers anywhere and anytime.
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- Title
- Creator
- Wang, Xiaolong
- Date
- 2020
- Description
Wastewater collection systems, among the oldest features of urban infrastructure, are typically dedicated to collect and transport wastewater...
Show moreWastewater collection systems, among the oldest features of urban infrastructure, are typically dedicated to collect and transport wastewater from users to water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs). Since the 1970s, wastewater engineers and scientists have come to understand that wastewater collection systems can bring benefits for urban water and energy networks, including thermal energy recovery and converting pipelines to bioreactors. However, there is little knowledge about the temporal and spatial changes of collection systems parameters that are important for these applications. Furthermore, the vast majority of existing studies of these applications have focused on laboratory or extremely small-scale systems; there have been few studies about beneficial applications associated with large-scale systems. The purpose of this study is to increase our understanding of how urban wastewater collection systems can bring potential benefits to urban water and energy systems. Models describing wastewater hydraulics, temperature, and water quality can provide valuable information to help evaluate thermal energy recovery and wastewater pretreatment feasibility. These kinds of models, and supporting data from a case study, were used in this study; sizes of the theoretical wastewater collection systems range from 2.6 L/s to 52 L/s, and the sample locations of the case study had flows ranging from 2.3 L/s to 24.5 L/s. A cost-benefit analysis of wastewater source heat pumps was used to evaluate the thermal energy recovery feasibility for different sizes of wastewater collection systems. Results show that the large collection system can support a large capacity heat pump system with a relatively low unit initial cost. Small collection systems have a slightly lower unit operating cost due to the relatively high wastewater temperature. When the heat pump system capacity design was based on the average available energy from the collection system, larger systems have lower payback times; the lowest payback time is about 3.5 years. The wastewater quality model was used to describe the dissolved oxygen (DO) and organic matter concentrations changes in the collection system. The model provides a framework for predicting pretreatment capability. Model results show that DO concentration is the limiting parameter for organic matter removal. Larger collection systems can provide more organic matter removal because they provide relatively longer retention times, and they offer the potential for greater DO reaeration. The model can also be used to identify environmental conditions in sewer pipelines, providing information for potential issues predication.
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- Title
- Characterization of turbulent mixing near roadways based on measurements of short-term turbulence kinetic energy and traffic conditions
- Creator
- Hu, Zhice
- Date
- 2020
- Description
Turbulence determines how vehicle emissions mix with the surrounding air and determine the distribution of pollutants on the roadway and...
Show moreTurbulence determines how vehicle emissions mix with the surrounding air and determine the distribution of pollutants on the roadway and downwind. 600 5-min near roadway simultaneous measurements (2016 to 2018) of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), meteorological conditions, and traffic information (vehicle flow rate, density, and traffic mix (LDVs & HDVs) were used to characterize TKE. Short-term measurements (5 min.) were required to characterize the large variation in traffic flow rate that occurred in short time periods. Two roadways (Lakeshore Drive (LSD), Dan Ryan Expressway (DRE)) with distinctly different traffic composition (HDV%) and road configurations were selected for monitoring. Results indicate that variations in near-road wind speed (0.5 to 3.5 m s-1) had only a slight influence on TKE measurements. Background contributed 40% of the total measured TKE. The average dissipation rate traffic-induced TKE from on-road to near-road measurement was 90%. The average near roadway TKE (background subtracted) was 0.6 (m2 s-2) (0.2 st. dev) for LDVs only, and 0.8 (m2 s-2) (0.3 st. dev) for mixed fleet traffic flow (HDV averaged 8.4%). The increase in TKE was related to the increase in the HDV flow rate for free-flow traffic conditions but not for congestion conditions. TKE generated by individual HDVs was significantly higher than TKE generated from individual LDVs for free-flow traffic conditions. HDVs represent only a small fraction of the vehicle fleet mix (typical 1 to 10%) so that the overall effect of HDVs in changing vehicle fleet is difficult to quantify. However, the single HDV can induce near 11 times TKE than a single LDV in free-flow condition, which can validate the significant variation in the ensemble mean traffic-induced TKE under the same traffic fleet flow that is due to HDVs.
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- Title
- Creator
- Fazli, Torkan
- Date
- 2020
- Description
Americans spend most of their time inside residences where they are exposed to a number of pollutants of both indoor and outdoor origin....
Show moreAmericans spend most of their time inside residences where they are exposed to a number of pollutants of both indoor and outdoor origin. Residential buildings also account for over 20% of total primary energy consumption in the U.S. and a similar proportion of greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, climate change is expected to affect building energy use and indoor air quality (IAQ) through both building design (i.e., via our societal responses to climate change) and building operation (i.e., via changing meteorological and ambient air quality conditions). The overarching objectives of this work are to develop a set of combined building energy and indoor air mass balance models that are generally representative of both the current (i.e., ~2010s) and future (i.e., ~2050s) U.S. residential building stock and to apply them using both current and future climate scenarios to estimate the impacts of climate change and climate change policies on building energy use, IAQ, and the prevalence of chronic health hazards in U.S. homes. The developed model set includes over 4000 individual building models with detailed characteristics of both building operation and indoor pollutant physics/chemistry, and is linked to a disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) approach for estimating chronic health outcomes associated with indoor pollutant exposure. The future building stock model incorporates a combination of predicted changes in future meteorological conditions, ambient air quality, the U.S. housing stock, and population demographics. Using the model set, we estimate the total site and source energy consumption for space conditioning in U.S. residences is predicted to decrease by ~37% and ~20% by mid-century (~2050s) compared to 2012, respectively, driven by decreases in heating energy use across the building stock that are larger than coincident increases in cooling energy use in warmer climates. Indoor concentrations of most pollutants of ambient origin are expected to decrease, driven by predicted reductions in ambient concentrations due to tighter emissions controls, with one notable exception of ozone, which is expected to increase in future climate scenarios. This work provides the first known estimates of the potential magnitude of impacts of expected climate changes on building energy use, IAQ, and the prevalence of chronic health hazards in U.S. homes.
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- Title
- Data-Driven Modeling for Advancing Near-Optimal Control of Water-Cooled Chillers
- Creator
- Salimian Rizi, Behzad
- Date
- 2023
- Description
Hydronic heating and cooling systems are among the most common types of heating and cooling systems installed in older existing buildings,...
Show moreHydronic heating and cooling systems are among the most common types of heating and cooling systems installed in older existing buildings, especially commercial buildings. The results of this study based on the Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) indicates chillers account for providing cooling in more than half of the commercial office building floorspaces in the U.S. Therefore, to address the need of improving energy efficiency of chillers systems operation, research studies developed different models to investigate different chiller sequencing approaches. Engineering-based models and empirical models are among the popular approaches for developing prediction models. Engineering-based models utilize the physical principles to calculate the thermal dynamics and energy behaviors of the systems and require detailed system information, while the empirical models deploy machine learning algorithms to develop relationships between input and output data. The empirical models compared to the engineering-based approach are more practical in a system’s energy prediction because of accessibility to required data, superiority in model implementation and prediction accuracy. Moreover, selecting near accurate chiller prediction models for the chiller sequencing needs to consider the importance of each input variable and its contribution to the overall performance of a chiller system, as well as the ease of application and computational time. Among the empirical modeling methods, ensemble learning techniques overcome the instability of the learning algorithm as well as improve prediction accuracy and identify input variable importance. Ensemble models combine multiple individual models, often called base or weak models, to produce a more accurate and robust predictive model. Random Forest (RF) and Extra Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) models are considered as ensemble models which offer built-in mechanisms for assessing feature importance. These techniques work by measuring how much each feature contributes to the overall predictive performance of the ensemble.In the first objective of this work the frequency of hydronic cooling systems in the U.S. building stock for applying potential energy efficiency measures (EEMs) on chiller plants are explored. Results show that the central chillers inside the buildings are responsible for providing cooling for more than 50% of the commercial buildings with areas greater than 9,000 m2(~100,000 ft2). In addition, hydronic cooling systems contribute to the highest Energy Use Intensity (EUI) among other systems, with EUI of 410.0 kWh/m2 (130.0 kBtu/ft2). Therefore, the results of this objective support developing accurate prediction models to assess the chiller performance parameters as an implication for chiller sequencing control strategies in older existing buildings. The second objective of the dissertation is to evaluate the performance of chiller sequencing strategy for the existing water-cooled chiller plant in a high-rise commercial building and develop highly accurate RF chiller models to investigate and determine the input variables of greatest importance to chiller power consumption predictions. The results show that the average value of mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and root mean squared error (RMSE) for all three RF chiller models are 5.3% and 30 kW, respectively, for the validation dataset, which confirms a good agreement between measured and predicted values. On the other hand, understanding prediction uncertainty is an important task to confidently reporting smaller savings estimates for different chiller sequencing control strategies. This study aims to quantify prediction uncertainty as a percentile for selecting an appropriate confidence level for chillers models which could lead to better prediction of the peak electricity load and participate in demand response programs more efficiently. The results show that by increasing the confidence level from 80% to 90%, the upper and lower bounds of the demand charge differ from the actual value by a factor of 3.3 and 1.7 times greater, respectively. Therefore, it proves the significance of selecting appropriate confidence levels for implementation of chiller sequencing strategy and demand response programs in commercial buildings. As the third objective of this study, the accuracy of these prediction models with respect to the preprocessing, selection of data, noise analysis, effect of chiller control system performance on the recorded data were investigated. Therefore, this study attempts to investigate the impacts of different data resolution, level of noise and data smoothing methods on the chiller power consumption and chiller COP prediction based on time-series Extra Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) models. The results of applying the smoothing methods indicate that the performance of chiller COP and the chiller power consumption models have improved by 2.8% and 4.8%, respectively. Overall, this study would guide the development of data-driven chiller power consumption and chiller COP prediction models in practice.
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- Title
- Creator
- Rajeei, Farshad
- Date
- 2020
- Description
As the need for renovating and repairing structurally deficient and functionally obsolete bridges is increased, employing innovative methods...
Show moreAs the need for renovating and repairing structurally deficient and functionally obsolete bridges is increased, employing innovative methods which can lead to shorter construction time, better quality, longer durability, and less life-cycle costs become more popular in transportation agencies.Developing a model that has the capability of estimating the total construction cost of ABC projects and compare them with conventional methods costs [without using these methods] will help decision-makers at DOTs in understanding and assessing the benefits and costs of ABC methods at the planning phase of a project and in return, will lead to the elaboration in the use of ABC methods versus the conventional ones. But this decision making process is complicated since the number of executed ABC projects, especially those which done by SIBC and SPMT [two superstructure replacement method] is limited and as a result; there is a lack of historical knowledge to estimate the associated cost of these methods in future projects. Factors affecting this process include but are not limited to: construction costs, user costs, quality of work, impact on traffic, the safety of road users and construction workers, and the impact on surrounding communities and businesses. The main aim of this study is to make a model to estimate additional costs of using SIBC and SPMT methods and the saving in user costs.
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- Title
- Parking Demand Forecasting Using Asymmetric Discrete Choice Models with Applications
- Creator
- Zhang, Ji
- Date
- 2023
- Description
Using discrete choice models to forecast travelers parking location choice has been a branch of parking demand research for many years. The...
Show moreUsing discrete choice models to forecast travelers parking location choice has been a branch of parking demand research for many years. The most used discrete choice models have fairly simple mathematical expressions, such as the probit and logit models. The application of simple models helps release the computational burdens brought by parameter estimation tasks in practice, but the cost is the unwanted properties of classic models such as the “symmetry property” that we argue is often undesirable in many fields. To some extent, the symmetry property of related models limits the shape of curves that makes the model fitting less flexible technically. This study addresses the following question: “Can discrete choice models with asymmetry property outperform classic models with symmetry property in forecasting travelers’ parking location choices?” The contributions of this study include: (1) providing a new perspective of using asymmetric discrete choice models to explain and forecast individual’s parking location choice; and (2) completing the travel demand forecasting process from choices of the destination zone centroid to the parking location, enabling parking choice forecasting. This provides a generalized framework to calibrate and validate asymmetric discrete choice models with the field observed parking facility-specific arrival profile data integrated into a large-scale, high-fidelity regional travel demand model. Further, an experimental study is conducted to compare the performance of the proposed asymmetric discrete choice models in the parking demand forecasting framework. The results suggest that asymmetric discrete choice models for individual’s parking choice modeling outperform the symmetric discrete choice models such as the logit models owing largely to their flexibility of parameter fitting and training using the available dataset.
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- Title
- Evaluation of Bridge Abutment Slope Protection at Stream Crossings
- Creator
- Wang, Peng
- Date
- 2023
- Description
Extensive research has revealed that scour and flooding contribute to over 50% of bridge failures in the United States, with scour-induced...
Show moreExtensive research has revealed that scour and flooding contribute to over 50% of bridge failures in the United States, with scour-induced failures alone causing the collapse of 20-100 over-water bridges annually out of a total population of approximately 504,000 bridges. Within Wisconsin, a significant number of bridges, specifically over 1200, have been identified as scour-critical, with 200 of them experiencing slope instability issues.This study focuses on the problematic bridge sites in Wisconsin, particularly examining the underperformance of abutment slopes. To identify and document these problematic bridges, a comprehensive survey was conducted, followed by site visits. Subsequently, a thorough Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM) simulation was carried out based on an investigated bridge. The simulation results indicate that the infiltration of water into the slope berm areas significantly decreases slope stability due to seepage forces. Furthermore, the absence of riprap toe protection can result in overall slope failure. The implementation of concrete pouring to address riprap scoring has proven unreliable, leading to frequent failures.Additionally, simulations were performed for grouted riprap, slope walls, grouted tiebacks, and piles. The results demonstrate their potential to enhance slope safety, with their suitability requiring careful evaluation. Notably, a simulation comparing a 1:2 slope design with a 1:1.5 slope inclination reveals that the former significantly improves slope safety.In Chapter 5, a comprehensive life cycle cost analysis is conducted, comparing the 1:2 slope design to the 1:1.5 design. The analysis reveals that the 1:2 design method is more cost-effective over a 60-year study period.In conclusion, this research provides valuable insights into the assessment and mitigation of abutment slope protection issues in Wisconsin. The findings emphasize the importance of considering seepage forces, appropriate riprap installation, and alternative stabilization measures together with a comprehensive life cycle cost analysis. The research contributes to enhancing slope safety and informs decision-making processes for bridge design and maintenance.
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