Search results

(201 - 220 of 7,758)


Combating Underage Drinking and Driving (Semester Unknown) IPRO 351: CombatingUnderageDrinkingandDrivingIPRO351FinalReportF10
IIT Sustainability Branding (Semester Unknown) IPRO 311: IITSustainableBrandingIPRO311Poster1Sp09
New Applications for Virtual Reality Training (semester?), IPRO 316: New Applications for Virtual Reality Training IPRO 316 Abstract F07
Increasing Alternative Transportation at IIT (Semester Unknown) IPRO 352: IncreasingAlternativeTransportation@IITIPRO352MidTermPresentationSp11
Zero CommunIITy: A Prototype for a Zero-Energy Residential Development (sequence unknown), IPRO 323 - Deliverables: IPRO 323 Final Report F09
New Harbor Village (Semester Unknown) IPRO 356: NHV IPRO356FinalReportF10
SMAART (Semester Unknown) IPRO 357: SMAART IPRO357PosterSp11
An Affordable Microcontroller for Students (semester?), IPRO 353: Microcontroller Business Development IPRO 353 Abstract Sp05
The Effects of Green Technology on Electrical Contractors (Semester Unknown) IPRO 338: The Effects of Green Technology on Electrical Contractors IPRO 338 Project Plan F08
Develping a Prototype Display for the Prenatal-to-Newborn Blood Flow System (semester?), IPRO 341: Cardiovascular display for Pre and Post Natal IPRO 341 Abstract Sp05
Edutainment (semester?), IPRO 329: Edutainment IPRO 329 Midterm Report Sp07
Fab Lab (Semester Unknown) IPRO 353: FabLabIPRO353FinalPresentationSp10
Development of Play for Peace Website (semester?), IPRO 328
Evaluating the Commercial Potential of IIT's Mercury Pollution Prevention Technology (semester?), IPRO 356: Mercury Pollution Prevention Tech IPRO 356 Poster Sp05
Crisis Management and Security Assessment Program (semester?), IPRO 370: Crisis Management and Security Assessment Program IPRO 370 Final Report S07
Play for Peace Content Management System (semester?), IPRO 328: Play for Peace IPRO 328 Poster F06
Power Measurement for Performance Bicycles (Semester Unknown) IPRO 304: PowerMeasurementForPerformanceBicyclesIPRO324PosterF10
Zinda (semester?), IPRO 351: Zinda Custom Clothing IPRO 351 Project Plan Sp06
VTOL (Spring 2001) IPRO 318: VTOL IPRO318 Spring2001 Final Presentation
