Search results

(81 - 100 of 155)


Design of electric locomotive for C. B. & Q. R. R.
The design of a direct reading slip meter
Design of a true sine-wave generator
Design of a steam power plant
Design of a single-phase induction motor
Experimental study of an illuminometer
An experimental study of the Globe Photometer
Advanced dynamo laboratory experiments
Determination of the power required for the operation of the types of electric switches and signals in use at the Chicago terminal of the Chicago and Northwestern railway
Determination of errors in a series transformer
Determination of the effect of tension on the linear coefficient of expansion of stranded aluminum cables
Determination of the temperature coefficient and coefficient of resistivity of copper, iron and aluminum
The action of a three phase induction motor under various forms of pressure wave
Characteristic performance of an induction generator
The design and construction of a radio telephone station
Design and construction of a Boucherot Induction Motor
Design of a 30,000 kW steam-electric generating station for Detroit, Michigan
Design of a 20,000 K.V.A. transformer
Design of a 20,000 KVA generating station
Determination of distribution curves of arc lamps and indirect lighting units
