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(61 - 80 of 173)


Illinois Insitute of Technology Service Station, Chicago, Ill.
Association of American Railroads Laboratory Building, with addition, Chicago, Ill.
Robert R. McCormick Lounge, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Ill.
Gunsaulus Hall, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Ill.
Parmly Sound Laboratory, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Ill.
Interiors 1 [belly of tube intersecting ceiling]
Mies Door 1
Hallway [northeast corridor]
Interiors 2 [integrated ramp/staircase]
Interiors 3 [food court looking east]
Rem Mies [Commons seen from inside MTCC]
Founders' Wall 2 [icons]
Computer Hall
Tube 6 [with El tracks]
Tube 5 [El train speeding through tube]
Tube 7 [El tracks' supporting structure]
Tube 8 [close-up through tube]
Tube 2 - Chicago skyline in background
The Armour Institute, Mission, and Flats
Main Building and the "Gorge" (Federal Street and the buildings that lined it), Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago, Ill., 1916
