Search results

(1 - 20 of 133)


Alleviating Homelessness in Chicago
New Housing Model "Flexible Housing Components": Final Booklet_05-02-12
Volumes of Light -  A School of the Performing and Visual Arts, Brooklyn.
Center for Interdisciplinary Education: tA_Final Book
Sustainable Theme Park and Museum
New Housing Model "Flexible Housing Components: IMG_7337_EDIT_Crop"
Multi- Generational Housing in China: Mixed-use Multi- Generational Housing in China Final Poster
Jockey's Ridge Research + Education Center: thesis_boards
Volumes of Light -  A School of the Performing and Visual Arts, Brooklyn.: School of the Arts Brooklyn Board 1
Remote Home: a handcrafted, component-based solution for southwest living
Howell Mountain Winery: Jury_Boards
North Carolina State University Rapid Transit Center: NC_State_Rapid_Transit_Center_Boards
FoodLab - A revitalization strategy for the Pari yard, Sao Paulo - Brazil
Urban Margins : An Architectural Narrative: Phillips - Masters Book
Urban Sanctuary: Life and Revitalization Center: Ellis Venia III - Final Boards
FoodLab - A revitalization strategy for the Pari yard, Sao Paulo - Brazil: MariaGarese_MastersProject_FinalBoard_FoodLab
Sustainable Theme Park and Museum: Final Board
Room For Growth: Room for Growth_Final Presentation
Fostering Synergy
