Search results

(1 - 20 of 26)


Volumes of Light -  A School of the Performing and Visual Arts, Brooklyn.
Volumes of Light -  A School of the Performing and Visual Arts, Brooklyn.: School of the Arts Brooklyn Board 1
The Memory Steps
North Carolina State University Rapid Transit Center: NC_State_Rapid_Transit_Center_Boards
The Memory Steps: The Memory Steps_Library and Community Center_Board
Bridging the Gap: Multi-Generational Community Center
Monumental Adaptation: Reimagining the Old Chicago Post Office
North Carolina State University Rapid Transit Center
Volumes of Light -  A School of the Performing and Visual Arts, Brooklyn.: School of the Arts Brooklyn Board 2
coLAB: an exploration in networked, collaborative & interactive spaces
North Carolina State University Rapid Transit Center: NC_State_Rapid_Transit_Center
Moments of Understanding - Tribal Culture Center: Moments of Understanding - Tribal Culture Center (Location)
Monumental Adaptation: Reimagining the Old Chicago Post Office: NT_final boards
Bridging the Gap: Multi-Generational Community Center: Final Layout Final
Moments of Understanding - Tribal Culture Center: Moments of Understanding - Tribal Culture Center (Project)
Mixed-use High-rise
Captured Moments: A Concept for a K-12 Urban School
Supportive Urbanism: Tower + Field: 120201 OPEN SPACE AND EMBEDDED LANDSCAPE
Bridging the Gap: Multi-Generational Community Center: Thesis Book
Moments of Understanding - Tribal Culture Center
