Search results

(41 - 60 of 120)


High-rise mix-use: Final MC Board
Chicago Intermodal Commuter Transit Development: Poster_2_Final
Center for Interdisciplinary Education: tA_Final Board
Financial Incubators, India
Room For Growth: Room for Growth_Final Board
Redevelopment of Traditional Market
Center for Interdisciplinary Education
Exchange: Reinvisioning Infrastructure in the Union Stockyards
HIGH RISE BUILDING: tube detail 2
Space|Place: CharlottePage_Master's Project_Booklet
WasteLESS Modular Housing
coLAB: an exploration in networked, collaborative & interactive spaces
Evolution: A holistic rejuvenation and wellness center, Chicago
Chicago Casino: GrainElevatorReuse_CasinoBoard
Library ReDefinition
HIGH RISE BUILDING: wall section perspective
Moments of Understanding - Tribal Culture Center: Moments of Understanding - Tribal Culture Center (Location)
Library ReDefinition: LibraryRedefinitionBoard
Traditional influence on the contemporary- single-family courtyard house
Room For Growth: Room for Growth_Supplement Appendix
