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(41 - 60 of 99)


Uptown Theater District painting, 1997
San Bar Beach - Cottage
'Sportsvision' Behind the Plate……Where Are Harry & Jimmy?....
'The Green Monster'... Fenway Park, Boston 'First Strike'…Ends…Fisk Returns Home
'View From the Cheap Seats'…...(In Old "Kymyski"..)
Home Run!! (Bill's Blast-Off)...
Civic Stadium Portland Oregon…The Portland Rockies
They Play Baseball in Gardens Out Here…
Mt. Rainier + The Kingdome…….Overlooking Seattle Harbor From Pike St. Market (Eating a Canteloupe)
Wrigley Field Scoreboard..As it is!
'Madison Muskies……View From the Press Box'
Leon's Bar-B-Q
Walton Carpet Store - Floor Plan
'Chinatown'...The Gateway...
Regents Park
Icosahedron Guest House on Indiana Dunes, Exterior detail, ca. 1970s
Icosahedron Guest House on Indiana Dunes, Interior, ca. 1970s
Icosahedron Guest House on Indiana Dunes, Exterior, ca. 1970s
Walton Carpets
Leon's Bar-B-Q Exterior, ca. 1974-1984
