Structure-based wakefield acceleration can be accomplished using either Collinear Wakefield Acceleration (CWA) where the drive beam and the... Show moreStructure-based wakefield acceleration can be accomplished using either Collinear Wakefield Acceleration (CWA) where the drive beam and the witness beam are located on the same beamline or Two Beam Acceleration (TBA) where the RF power generated by the drive beam is extracted and transferred to the witness beam line. A Dielectric Disk Accelerator (DDA) is an accelerating structure that is utilized by TBA that uses dielectric disks to improve the structure's shunt impedance and accelerate the witness beam. Dielectric based accelerators studied in this thesis are X-Band structures (have a working frequency between 8 and 12 GHz) that can use any pulse length but in this study utilize short (<20 ns) traveling wave pulses. Short pulse lengths are used to decrease breakdown probability and allow for a large gradient. DDAs have a higher group velocity and a larger shunt impedance compared to traditional metallic accelerating structures while maintaining a large accelerating gradient. DDAs are a strong candidate for use in the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator’s 500 MeV Demonstrator. Recent experimental results of a clamped single cell structure demonstrated a >100 MV/m accelerating gradient with no evidence of breakdown in the RF volume. Additional structures, including a brazed single cell model and a multicell structure, have been designed and are now being fabricated for high power testing. Show less
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